Articles scientifiques du laboratoire de robotique de l'Université Laval: Journaux et conférences
[767] | Xavier Garant and Clément Gosselin. Design and experimental validation of reorientation manoeuvres for a free falling robot inspired from the cat righting reflex. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, pages 1-12, 2021. |
[766] | Eric Barnett and Clément Gosselin. A bisection algorithm for time-optimal trajectory planning along fully specified paths. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, pages 1-15, 2021. à paraître/to appear. |
[765] | Jérôme Landuré, Thierry Laliberté, Clément Gosselin, and Muhammad Abdallah. Modelling and development of passively adaptive assistive tools for the assembly of press-fit components. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 2021. à paraître/to appear. |
[764] | Gabriel Boucher, Thierry Laliberté, and Clément Gosselin. Mechanical design of a low-impedance 6-degree-of-freedom displacement sensor for intuitive physical human-robot interaction. Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 13(2):021002-1-021002-10, 2021. |
[763] | Julien Mathieu Audet and Clément Gosselin. Rotational low-impedance physical human-robot interaction using underactuated redundancy. Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 13(1):014503-1-014503-6, 2021. |
[762] | Kefei Wen, Tan Sy Nguyen, David Harton, Thierry Laliberté, and Clément Gosselin. A backdrivable kinematically redundant (6+ 3)-degree-of-freedom hybrid parallel robot for intuitive sensorless physical human-robot interaction. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, pages 1-17, 2021. |
[761] | Vincent babin and Clément Gosselin. Mechanisms for robotic grasping and manipulation. 4, may 2021. |
[760] | Céline Faure, Alexis Fortin-Côté, Nicolas Robitaille, Philippe Cardou, Clément Gosselin, Denis Laurendeau, Catherine Mercier, Laurent Bouyer, and Bradford J McFadyen. Adding haptic feedback to virtual environments with a cable-driven robot improves upper limb spatio-temporal parameters during a manual handling task. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 28(10):2246-2254, 2020. |
[759] | Philippe Turgeon, Michaël Dubé, Thierry Laliberté, Philippe S Archambault, Véronique H Flamand, François Routhier, and Alexandre Campeau-Lecours. Mechanical design of a new device to assist eating in people with movement disorders. Assistive Technology, 2020. |
[758] | T Legrand, H Younesian, C Gélinas-Trudel, CV Barthod, Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, and K Turcot. Influence of the overground walking speed control modality: Modification to the walk ratio and spatio-temporal parameters of gait. Gait & posture, 83:256-261, 2020. |
[757] | Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, Dinh-Son Vu, Frédéric Schweitzer, and Jean-Sébastien Roy. Alternative representation of the shoulder orientation based on the tilt-and-torsion angles. Journal of biomechanical engineering, 142(7):074504-1-074504-8, 2020. |
[756] | Isabelle Poitras, Jade Clouâtre, Laurent J Bouyer, François Routhier, Catherine Mercier, and Alexandre Campeau-Lecours. Development and validation of open-source activity intensity count and activity intensity classification algorithms from raw acceleration signals of wearable sensors. Sensors, 20(23), 2020. |
[755] | Alexis Fortin-Côté, Jean-Sébastien Roy, Laurent Bouyer, Philip Jackson, and Alexandre Campeau-Lecours. Allumo: Preprocessing and calibration software for wearable accelerometers used in posture tracking. Sensors, 20(1):1-8, 2020. |
[754] | Sheng Xiang, Haibo Gao, Zhen Liu, and Clément Gosselin. Trajectory optimization for a six-dof cable-suspended parallel robot with dynamic motions beyond the static workspace. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 3903-3908, Paris, France, 31 may-31 aug (online) 2020. |
[753] | Marceau Métillon, Saman Lessanibahri, Philippe Cardou, Kévin Subrin, and Stéphane Caro. A cable-driven parallel robot with a full-circle end-effector rotations. In Proceedings of the ASME 2020 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC/CIE2020, pages 1-10, Saint-Louis, USA, 16-19 aug 2020. |
[752] | Sheng Xiang, Haibo Gao, Zhen Liu, and Clément Gosselin. Dynamic transition trajectory planning of three-dof cable-suspended parallel robots via linear time-varying mpc. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 146:1-16, 2020. |
[751] | Sheng Xiang, Haibo Gao, Zhen Liu, and Clément Gosselin. Dynamic point-to-point trajectory planning for three degrees-of-freedom cable-suspended parallel robots using rapidly exploring random tree search. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 12(4):041007-1-041007-12, 2020. |
[750] | Seyed Ahmad Khalilpour, Rooholla Khorrambakht, Hamid D Taghirad, and Philippe Cardou. Dual space control of a deployable cable driven robot: wave based approach. International Journal of Robotics, Theory and Applications, 6(1):11-19, 2020. |
[749] | Seyed Ahmad Khalilpour, Rooholla Khorrambakht, H D Damirchi, and Philippe Cardou. Tip-trajectory tracking control of a deployable cable-driven robot via output redefinition. Multibody System Dynamics, 2020. |
[748] | Saman Lessanibahri, Philippe Cardou, and Stéphane Caro. A cable-driven parallel robot with an embedded tilt-roll wrist. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 12(2):021107-1-021107-10, apr 2020. |
[747] | Nicolas Badeau and Clément Gosselin. A frequency-dependent impedance controller for an active-macro/passive-mini robotic system. In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 7189-7195, Las Vegas, USA, 24 oct-24 dec (online) 2020. |
[746] | Redwan Dahmouche, Kefei Wen, and Clément Gosselin. Transferability in an 8-dof parallel robot with a configurable platform. In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 6544-6549, Las Vegas, USA, 24 oct-24 dec (online) 2020. |
[745] | Kefei Wen and Clément Gosselin. Workspace enlargement and joint trajectory optimisation of a (6+3)-dof kinematically redundant hybrid robot. In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Fundamental Issues, Applications and Future Research Directions for Parallel Mechanisms / Manipulators / Machines, pages 1-10, Belfast, United Kingdom, 9-11 sep (online) 2020. |
[744] | Kefei Wen and Clément Gosselin. Forward kinematic analysis of kinematically redundant hybrid parallel robots. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 12(6):061008-1-061008-9, 2020. |
[743] | Alaleh Arian, Mats Isaksson, and Clément Gosselin. Kinematic and dynamic analysis of a novel parallel kinematic schönflies motion generator. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 147:1-14, 2020. |
[742] | Zhizhong Tong, Clément Gosselin, and Hongzhou Jiang. Dynamic decoupling analysis and experiment based on a class of modified gough-stewart parallel manipulators with line orthogonality. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 143:1-18, 2020. |
[741] | Philippe Turgeon, Thierry Laliberté, François Routhier, and Alexandre Campeau-Lecours. Preliminary design of an active stabilization assistive eating device for people living with movement disorders. In 16th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), pages 217-223, Toronto, Canada, 24-28 jun 2019. |
[740] | Samuel Poirier, François Routhier, and Alexandre Campeau-Lecours. Voice control interface prototype for assistive robots for people living with upper limb disabilities. In 16th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), pages 46-52, Toronto, Canada, 24-28 jun 2019. |
[739] | Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, Hugo Lamontagne, Simon Latour, Philippe Fauteux, Véronique Maheu, François Boucher, Charles Deguire, and Louis-Joseph Caron L'Ecuyer. Kinova modular robot arms for service robotics applications. International Journal of Robotics Applications and Technologies, 5(2):49-71, 2019. |
[738] | Audrey Lebrasseur, Josiane Lettre, François Routhier, Jason Bouffard, Philippe S Archambault, and Alexandre Campeau-Lecours. Evaluation of the usability of an actively actuated arm support. Assistive Technology, 2019. |
[737] | Audrey Lebrasseur, Josiane Lettre, François Routhier, Philippe S Archambault, and Alexandre Campeau-Lecours. Assistive robotic arm: Evaluation of the performance of intelligent algorithms. Assistive Technology, pages 1-10, 2019. |
[736] | Ulysse Côté-Allard, Cheikh-Latyr Fall, Alexandre Drouin, Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, Clément Gosselin, Kyrre Glette, François Laviolette, and Benoit Gosselin. Deep learning for electromyographic hand gesture signal classification using transfer learning. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 27(4):760-771, 2019. |
[735] | Jean-Félix Tremblay-Bugeaud, Thierry Laliberté, and Clément Gosselin. Design, analysis and validation of a 3-dof rotational inertia generator. In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 6427-6433, Las Vegas, USA, 24 oct-24 dec (online) 2019. |
[734] | Alexis Fortin-Côté, Nicolas Beaudoin-Gagnon, Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, Sébastien Tremblay, and Philip L Jackson. Affective computing out-of-the-lab: The cost of low cost. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), pages 4137-4142, Bari, Italy, 6-9 oct 2019. |
[733] | Nicolas Beaudoin-Gagnon, Alexis Fortin-Côté, Cindy Chamberland, Ludovic Lefebvre, Jérémy Bergeron-Boucher, Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, Sébastien Tremblay, and Philip L Jackson. The funii database: A physiological, behavioral, demographic and subjective video game database for affective gaming and player experience research. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), pages 1-7, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 3-6 sep 2019. |
[732] | Alexis Fortin-Côté, Nicolas Beaudoin-Gagnon, Cindy Chamberland, Frédéric Desbiens, Ludovic Lefebvre, Jérémy Bergeron, Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, Sébastien Tremblay, and Philip L Jackson. Funii: The physio-behavioural adaptive video game. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, pages 14-28, Orlando, USA, 26-31 jul 2019. |
[731] | Simon Tam, Guillaume Bilodeau, Jérémy Brown, Gabriel Gagnon-Turcotte, Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, and Benoit Gosselin. A wearable wireless armband sensor for high-density surface electromyography recording. In Proceedings of the 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), pages 6040-6044, Berlin, Germany, 23-27 jul 2019. |
[730] | Simon Tam, Mounir Boukadoum, Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, and Benoit Gosselin. A fully embedded adaptive real-time hand gesture classifier leveraging hd-semg and deep learning. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 14(2):232-243, 2019. |
[729] | Isabelle Poitras, Mathieu Bielmann, Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, Catherine Mercier, Laurent J Bouyer, and Jean-Sébastien Roy. Validity of wearable sensors at the shoulder joint: Combining wireless electromyography sensors and inertial measurement units to perform physical workplace assessments. Sensors, 19(8):1885, 2019. |
[728] | Isabelle Poitras, Frédérique Dupuis, Mathieu Bielmann, Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, Catherine Mercier, Laurent J Bouyer, and Jean-Sébastien Roy. Validity and reliability of wearable sensors for joint angle estimation: A systematic review. Sensors, 19(7):1555, 2019. |
[727] | David Harton, Thierry Laliberté, and Clément Gosselin. Modelling, trajectory optimisation and prototyping of sequentially actuated manipulators. Robotica, 37(2):281-299, 2019. |
[726] | Giovanni Mottola, Clément Gosselin, and Marco Carricato. Effect of actuation errors on a purely-translational spatial cable-driven parallel robot. In Proceedings of the IEEE 9th Annual International Conference on CYBER Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems (CYBER), pages 701-707, Suzhou, China, 29 jul-2 aug 2019. |
[725] | Seyed Ahmad Khalilpour, Rooholla Khorrambakht, M Harandi, Hamid D Taghirad, and Philippe Cardou. Cascade terminal sliding mode control of a deployable cable driven robot. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Control, Instrumentation and Automation (ICCIA), pages 1-6, Sanandaj, Iran, 30-31 oct 2019. |
[724] | Saman Lessanibahri, Philippe Cardou, and Stéphane Caro. A cable-driven parallel robot with an embedded tilt-roll wrist. In ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, pages IDETC2019-98146, Anaheim, USA, 18-21 aug 2019. |
[723] | Nicolas Tremblay, Kaveh Kamali, Philippe Cardou, Christian Desrosiers, Marc Gouttefarde, and Martin J-D Otis. Eye-on-hand calibration method for cable-driven parallel robots. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Cable-Driven Parallel Robots (CableCon2019), pages 345-356, Krakow, Poland, 30 jun-4 jul 2019. |
[722] | Saman Lessanibahri, Philippe Cardou, and Stéphane Caro. Kinetostatic modeling of a cable-driven parallel robot using a tilt-roll wrist. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Cable-Driven Parallel Robots (CableCon2019), pages 109-120, Krakow, Poland, 30 jun-4 jul 2019. |
[721] | Seyed Ahmad Khalilpour, Rooholla Khorrambakht, Hamid D Taghirad, and Philippe Cardou. Robust cascade control of a deployable cable-driven robot. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 127:513-530, jul 2019. |
[720] | Ramy Meziane, Philippe Cardou, and Martin J-D Otis. Cable interference control in physical interaction for cable-driven parallel mechanisms. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 132:30-47, feb 2019. |
[719] | Jordan Longval and Clément Gosselin. Dynamic trajectory planning and geometric analysis of a two-dof translational cable-suspended planar parallel robot using a parallelogram cable loop. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 11(2):020903-1-020903-10, apr 2019. |
[718] | Dinh-Son Vu, Eric Barnett, and Clément Gosselin. Experimental validation of a three-dof cable-suspended parallel robot for spatial translation with constant orientation. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2019. à paraître/to appear. |
[717] | Giovanni Mottola, Clément Gosselin, and Marco Carricato. Dynamically feasible motions of a class of purely-translational cable-suspended parallel robots. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 132:193-206, feb 2019. |
[716] | Gabriel Boucher, Thierry Laliberté, and Clément Gosselin. A parallel low-impedance sensing approach for highly responsive physical human-robot interaction. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 3754-3760, Montréal, Canada, 20-24 may 2019. |
[715] | Jonathan Beaudoin, Thierry Laliberté, and Clément Gosselin. Haptic interface for handshake emulation. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 4(4):4124-4130, 2019. |
[714] | François Nougarou, Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, Daniel Massicotte, Mounir Boukadoum, Clément Gosselin, and Benoit Gosselin. Pattern recognition based on hd-semg spatial features extraction for an efficient proportional control of a robotic arm. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 53:1-12, aug 2019. |
[713] | Kefei Wen, David Harton, Thierry Laliberté, and Clément Gosselin. Kinematically redundant (6+3)-dof hybrid parallel robot with large orientational workspace and remotely operated gripper. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 1672-1678, Montréal, Canada, 20-24 may 2019. |
[712] | Shoichiro Kamada, Thierry Laliberté, and Clément Gosselin. Kinematic analysis of a 4-dof parallel mechanism with large translational and orientational workspace. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 1637-1643, Montréal, Canada, 20-24 may 2019. |
[711] | Louis-Thomas Schreiber and Clément Gosselin. Schönflies motion parallel robot (spara), a kinematically redundant parallel robot with unlimited rotation capabilities. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 24(5):2273-2281, 2019. |
[710] | Kefei Wen and Clément Gosselin. Kinematically redundant hybrid robots with simple singularity conditions and analytical inverse kinematic solutions. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 4(4):3828-3835, 2019. |
[709] | Louis-Thomas Schreiber and Clément Gosselin. Exploiting the kinematic redundancy of a (6+3)-dof parallel mechanism. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 11(2):021005-1-021005-10, apr 2019. |
[708] | Bruno Sauvet, François Lévesque, SeungJae Park, Philippe Cardou, and Clément Gosselin. Model-based grasping of unknown objects from a random pile. Robotics, 8(3):1-18, 2019. |
[707] | Vincent Babin, David St-Onge, and Clément Gosselin. Stable and repeatable grasping of at objects on hard surfaces using passive and epicyclic mechanisms. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 55:1-10, 2019. |
[706] | Audrey Lebrasseur, Josiane Lettre, François Routhier, Philippe Archambault, and Alexandre Campeau-Lecours. Assistive robotic device: evaluation of intelligent algorithms. In Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA), pages 1-5, Arlington, USA, 13-15 jul 2018. |
[705] | Cheikh-Latyr Fall, Francis Quevillon, Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, Simon Latour, Martine Blouin, Clément Gosselin, and Benoit Gosselin. A multimodal adaptive wireless control interface for people with upper-body disabilities. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 12(3):564-575, 2018. |
[704] | Roxane Crepin, Cheikh-Latyr Fall, Quentin Mascret, Clément Gosselin, Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, and Benoit Gosselin. Real-time hand motion recognition using semg patterns classification. In Proceedings of the 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), pages 2655-2658, Honolulu, USA, 18-21 jul 2018. |
[703] | Cheikh-Latyr Fall, Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, Clément Gosselin, and Benoit Gosselin. Evaluation of a wearable and wireless human-computer interface combining head motion and semg for people with upper-body disabilities. In Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS), pages 287-290, Montreal, Canada, 24-27 jun 2018. |
[702] | Alexis Fortin-Côté, Cindy Chamberland, Mark Parent, Sébastien Tremblay, Philip Jackson, Nicolas Beaudoin-Gagnon, Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, Jérémy Bergeron-Boucher, and Ludovic Lefebvre. Predicting video game players' fun from physiological and behavioural data: One algorithm does not fit all. In Proceedings of the Future of Information and Communication Conference, pages 479-495, Singapore, Singapore, 5-6 apr 2018. |
[701] | Mark Charlet, Élodie Marcellini, and Clément Gosselin. Trajectory planning of projectile catching maneuvers for robotic manipulators. In Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conferences, pages 1-9, Quebec City, Canada, 26-29 aug 2018. |
[700] | Benoit Gosselin, Clément Gosselin, Cheikh-Latyr Fall, Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, and Tristan Robitaille. Real-time control of an assistive robotic arm using a wireless finger motion sensor. In Proceedings of the 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'18), Honolulu, USA, 17-21 jul 2018. |
[699] | David St-Onge, Inna Sharf, Luc Sagnières, and Clément Gosselin. A deployable mechanism concept for the collection of small-to-medium-size space debris. Advances in Space Research, 61(5):1286-1297, 2018. |
[698] | André Gallant and Clément Gosselin. Extending the capabilities of robotic manipulators using trajectory optimization. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 121:502-514, 2018. |
[697] | Seyed Ahmad Khalilpour, Rooholla Khorrambakht, Hamid D Taghirad, and Philippe Cardou. Wave based control of a deployable cable driven robot. In Proceedings of the 6th RSI International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (IcRoM 2018), pages 166-171, Tehran, Iran, 23-25 oct 2018. |
[696] | Seyed Ahmad Khalilpour, Rooholla Khorrambakht, M J Harandi, Hamid D Taghirad, and Philippe Cardou. Robust dynamic sliding mode control of a deployable cable driven robot. In Proceedings of the 26th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), pages 863-868, Mashhad, Iran, 8-10 may 2018. |
[695] | Antoine Martin, Stéphane Caro, and Philippe Cardou. Design of a cable-driven parallel robot with grasping device. In Proceedings of the 28th CIRP Design Conference, volume 70, pages 290-295, Nantes, France, 23-25 may 2018. |
[694] | Saman Lessanibahri, Philippe Cardou, and Stéphane Caro. Parasitic inclinations in cable-driven parallel robots using cable loops. In Proceedings of the 28th CIRP Design Conference, volume 70, pages 296-301, Nantes, France, 23-25 may 2018. |
[693] | Jordan Longval and Clément Gosselin. Kinetostatic analysis of a simple cable-driven parallel crane. In Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conferences, pages 1-10, Quebec City, Canada, 26-29 aug 2018. |
[692] | Jordan Longval and Clément Gosselin. Dynamic trajectory planning and geometric design of a two-dof translational cable-suspended planar parallel robot using a parallelogram cable loop. In Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conferences, pages 1-10, Quebec City, Canada, 26-29 aug 2018. |
[691] | Xiaoling Jiang, Eric Barnett, and Clément Gosselin. Dynamic point-to-point trajectory planning beyond the static workspace for six-dof cable-suspended parallel robots. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 34(3):781-793, 2018. |
[690] | Giovanni Mottola, Clément Gosselin, and Marco Carricato. Dynamically feasible periodic trajectories for generic spatial three-degree-of-freedom cable-suspended parallel robots. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 10(3):031004-1-031004-10, 2018. |
[689] | Xiaoling Jiang, Eric Barnett, and Clément Gosselin. Periodic trajectory planning beyond the static workspace for six-dof cable-suspended parallel robots. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 34(4):1128-1140, 2018. |
[688] | Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, Ulysse Côté-Allard, Dinh-Son Vu, François Routhier, Benoit Gosselin, and Clément Gosselin. Intuitive adaptive orientation control for enhanced human-robot interaction. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 35(2):509-520, 2018. |
[687] | Nicolas Badeau, Clément Gosselin, Simon Foucault, Thierry Laliberté, and Muhammad Abdallah. Intuitive physical human-robot interaction using a passive parallel mechanism. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, 25(2):28-38, 2018. |
[686] | Pascal Labrecque and Clément M. Gosselin. Variable admittance for phri: from intuitive unilateral interaction to optimal bilateral force ampli cation. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 52:1-8, 2018. |
[685] | Louis-Thomas Schreiber and Clément Gosselin. Exploiting the kinematic redundancy of a 6+3-dof parallel mechanism. In Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conferences, Quebec City, Canada, 26-29 aug 2018. |
[684] | Jérôme Landuré and Clément Gosselin. Kinematic and workspace modelling of a 6-pus parallel mechanism. In Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conferences, Quebec City, Canada, 26-29 aug 2018. |
[683] | Marise Gallant and Clément Gosselin. Singularities of a planar 3-rpr parallel manipulator with joint clearance. Robotica, 36(7):1098-1109, 2018. |
[682] | Jérôme Landuré and Clément Gosselin. Kinematic analysis of a novel kinematically redundant spherical parallel manipulator. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 10(2):021007-1-021007-10, 2018. |
[681] | Clément Gosselin and Louis-Thomas Schreiber. Redundancy in parallel mechanisms: A review. ASME Applied Mechanics Review, 70(1):010802-1-010802-15, 2018. |
[680] | Louis-Thomas Schreiber and Clément Gosselin. Kinematically redundant planar parallel mechanisms: Kinematics, workspace and trajectory planning. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 119:91-105, 2018. |
[679] | Vincent babin and Clément Gosselin. Picking, grasping or scooping small objects lying on at surfaces: A design approach. The International Journal of Robotics Research, 37(12):1484-1499, 2018. |
[678] | François Lévesque, Bruno Sauvet, Philippe Cardou, and Clément Gosselin. A model-based scooping grasp for the autonomous picking of unknown objects with a two-fingered gripper. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 106:14-25, 2018. |
[677] | Jonas Schmidtler, Klaus J. Bengler, Fotios Dimeas, and Alexandre Campeau-Lecours. A questionnaire for the evaluation of physical assistive devices (quead): Testing usability and acceptance in physical human-robot interaction. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), pages 876-881, Banff, Canada, 5-8 oct 2017. |
[676] | Dinh-Son Vu, Ulysse Côté-Allard, Clément Gosselin, François Routhier, Benoit Gosselin, and Alexandre Campeau-Lecours. Intuitive adaptive orientation control of assistive robots for people living with upper limb disabilities. In Proceedings of the IEEE-RAS-EMBS International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), pages 795-800, London, England, 17-20 jul 2017. |
[675] | Cheikh-Latyr Fall, Francis Quevillon, Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, Simon Latour, Martine Blouin, Clément Gosselin, and Benoit Gosselin. A multimodal adaptive wireless control interface for people with upper-body disabilities. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS'17), Baltimore, USA, 28-31 may 2017. |
[674] | Ulysse Côté-Allard, Cheikh-Latyr Fall, Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, Clément Gosselin, François Laviolette, and Benoit Gosselin. Transfer learning for semg hand gestures recognition using convolutional neural networks. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, pages 1663-1668, Banff, Canada, 5-8 oct 2017. |
[673] | Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, Véronique Maheu, Sébastien Lepage, Hugo Lamontagne, Simon Latour, Laurie Paquet, and Neil Hardie. Kinova modular robot arms for service robotics applications. International Journal of Robotics Applications and Technologies, 5(2):49-71, 2017. |
[672] | Bruno Sauvet, Thierry Laliberté, and Clément Gosselin. Design, analysis and experimental validation of an ungrounded haptic interface using a piezoelectric actuator. Mechatronics, 45:100-109, 2017. |
[671] | Julien Boisclair, Pierre-Luc Richard, Thierry Laliberté, and Clément Gosselin. Gravity compensation of robotic manipulators using cylindrical halbach arrays. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 22(1):457-464, 2017. |
[670] | Jean-Philippe Choinière and Clément Gosselin. Development and experimental validation of a haptic compass based on asymmetric torque stimuli. IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 10(1):29-39, 2017. |
[669] | Antoine Martin, Stéphane Caro, and Philippe Cardou. Geometric determination of the cable-cylinder interference regions in the workspace of a cable-driven parallel robot. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, pages 117-127, Québec, Canada, 2-4 aug 2017. |
[668] | Saman Lessanibahri, Marc Goutefarde, Stéphane Caro, and Philippe Cardou. Twist feasibility analysis of cable-driven parallel robots. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, pages 128-139, Québec, Canada, 2-4 aug 2017. |
[667] | Dinh-Son Vu, Eric Barnett, Anne-Marie Zaccarinand, and Clément Gosselin. On the design of a three-dof cable-suspended parallel robot based on a parallelogram arrangement of the cables. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, pages 319-330, Québec, Canada, 2-4 aug 2017. |
[666] | Giovanni Mottola, Clément Gosselin, and Marco Carricato. Dynamically-feasible elliptical trajectories for fully constrained 3-dof cable-suspended parallel robots. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, pages 219-230, Québec, Canada, 2-4 aug 2017. |
[665] | Michaël Bonenfant, Denis Laurendeau, Alexis Fortin-Côté, Philippe Cardou, Clément Gosselin, Céline Faure, Bradford McFadyen, Catherine Mercier, and Laurent Bouyer. A computer vision system for virtual rehabilitation. In Proceedings of Computer and Robot Vision, pages 269-276, Edmonton, Canada, 16-19 may 2017. |
[664] | Alexis Fortin-Côté, Céline Faure, Laurent Bouyer, Bradford McFadyen, Catherine Mercier, Denis Laurendeau, Michaël Bonenfant, Philippe Cardou, and Clément Gosselin. On the design of a novel cable-driven parallel robot capable of large rotation about one axis. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, pages 390-401, Québec, Canada, 2-4 aug 2017. |
[663] | Xiaoling Jiang and Clément Gosselin. Dynamic transition trajectory planning of three-dof cable-suspended parallel robots. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, pages 231-242, Québec, Canada, 2-4 aug 2017. |
[662] | Xavier Garant, Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, Philippe Cardou, and Clément Gosselin. Improving the forward kinematics of cable-driven parallel robots through cable angle sensors. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, pages 167-179, Québec, Canada, 2-4 aug 2017. |
[661] | Pascal Dion-Gauvin and Clément Gosselin. Dynamic point-to-point trajectory planning of a three-dof cablesuspended mechanism using the hypocycloid curve. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 23(4):1964-1972, 2017. |
[660] | Pascal Dion-Gauvin and Clément Gosselin. Trajectory planning for the static to dynamic transition of point-mass cable-suspended parallel mechanisms. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 113:158-178, 2017. |
[659] | Moritz Anrs, Thierry Laliberté, and Clément Gosselin. Design, control and experimental validation of a haptic robotic hand performing human-robot handshake with human-like agility. In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Vancouver, Canada, 24-28 sep 2017. |
[658] | Philippe Lebel, Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, and Clément Gosselin. An anticipative kinematic limitation avoidance algorithm for collaborative robots: Three-dimensional case. In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Vancouver, Canada, 24-28 sep 2017. |
[657] | Dinh-Son Vu, Jozsef Kövecses, and Clément Gosselin. Trajectory planning and control of a belt-driven locomotion interface for flat terrain walking and stair climbing. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 189-194, Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany, 6-9 jun 2017. |
[656] | Mohamed Amir Sassi, Martin Otis, and Alexandre Lecours. Active stability observer using artificial neural network for intuitive physical human-robot interaction. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 14(4):182-187, 2017. |
[655] | Meiying Zhang, Thierry Laliberté, and Clément M. Gosselin. Design and static analysis of elastic force and torque limiting devices for safe physical human-robot interaction. Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 9:021003-1-021003-1, apr 2017. |
[654] | Alexandre Lecours, Pierre-Luc Belzile, Thierry Laliberté, , Simon Foucault, Boris Mayer-St-Onge, Dalong Gao, and Clément Gosselin. An articulated assistive robot for intuitive hands-on-payload manipulation. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 48:182-187, dec 2017. |
[653] | Pascal Labrecque, Thierry Laliberté, Simon Foucault, Muhammad Abdallah, and Clément M. Gosselin. uman: A low-impedance manipulator for human-robot cooperation based on underactuated redundancy. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 22(3):1401-1411, 2017. |
[652] | Nicolò Pedemonte, Thierry Laliberté, and Clément M. Gosselin. A haptic bilateral system for the remote human-human handshake. ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 139(4):044503-1-044503-5, 2017. |
[651] | Cheikh Latyr Fall, Gabriel Gagnon-Turcotte, Jean-François Dubé, Jean-Simon Gagné, Yanick Delisle, Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, Clément Gosselin, and Benoit Gosselin. A wireless semg-based body-machine interface for assistive technology devices. 21(4):967-977, 2017. |
[650] | Jérôme Landuré and Clément Gosselin. Optimization of the singularity locus of a novel spherical kinematically redundant parallel manipulator. In Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Cleveland, Ohio, 6-9 aug 2017. |
[649] | Mats Isaksson, Clément Gosselin, and Kristan Marlow. Singularity analysis of a class of kinematically redundant parallel sch "onflies motion generators. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 112:172-191, 2017. |
[648] | Louis-Thomas Schreiber and Clément Gosselin. Passively driven redundant spherical joint with very large range of motion. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 9(3):031014-1-031014-10, jun 2017. |
[647] | Antonius G. L. Hoevenaars, Clément Gosselin, Patrice Lambert, and Justus Herder. A systematic approach for the jacobian analysis of parallel manipulators with two end-effectors. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 109:171-194, 2017. |
[646] | Annick Mottard, Thierry Laliberté, and Clément M. Gosselin. Underactuated tendon-driven robotic/prosthetic hands: design issues. In Proceedings of the Robotics: Science and Systems Conference, Boston, USA, 12-16 jul 2017. |
[645] | François Nougarou, Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, Daniel Massicotte, and Benoit Gosselin. Muscle activity distribution features extracted from hd semg to perform forearm pattern recognition. In Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Orland, USA, 17-20 aug 2016. |
[644] | Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, Véronique Maheu, Sébastien Lepage, Hugo Lamontagne, Simon Latour, Laurie Paquet, and Neil Hardie. Jaco assistive robotic device: Empowering people with disabilities through innovative algorithms. In Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA) Annual Conference, Washington, USA, 2016. |
[643] | Jean-Alexandre Bettez-Bouchard and Clément Gosselin. Development and experimental validation of a reorientation algorithm for a free-floating serial manipulator. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Stockholm, Sweden, 16- 21 may 2016. |
[642] | David St-Onge and Clément Gosselin. Dynamic modelling of a four-bar free floating mechanism with passive joints and flywheel actuators. In Proceedings of the Fourth Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics, Montreal, Canada, 29 may -2 jun 2016. |
[641] | Kun Wang, Clément Gosselin, Xuan Wu, and Ke Li. Collision-avoidance trajectory planning for a virtual kinesthetic feedback system. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 30(7):3321-3330, 2016. |
[640] | Rachid Bekhti, Vincent Duchaine, and Philippe Cardou. Designing multi-axis force-torque sensors by minimizing the amplitudes of their nonlinear displacements. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 138(3):032302, 2016. |
[639] | André Gallant and Clément Gosselin. Parametric trajectory optimisation for increased payload. Transactions of the CSME, 40(2):125-137, 2016. |
[638] | David St-Onge and Clément Gosselin. Synthesis and design of a one degree-of-freedom planar deployable mechanism with a large expansion ratio. Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 8(2):021025-1-021025-9, apr 2016. |
[637] | Angelos Platis, Tahir Rasheed, Philippe Cardou, and Stéphane Caro. Isotropic design of the spherical wrist of a cable-driven parallel robot. In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 4350-4355, Daejeon, South Korea, 9-14 oct 2016. |
[636] | Alexis Fortin-Côté, Philippe Cardou, and Alexandre Campeau-Lecours. Improving cable driven parallel robot accuracy through angular position sensors. In Proceedings of the Advances in Robot Kinematics 2016, pages 321-330, Grasse, France, 27-30 jun 2016. |
[635] | Alexis Fortin-Côté, Philippe Cardou, and Clément Gosselin. A tension distribution algorithm for cable-driven parallel robots operating beyond their wrench-feasible workspace. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, pages 68-73, Gyeongju, Korea, 16-19 oct 2016. |
[634] | Xiaoling Jiang and Clément Gosselin. Dynamic point-to-point trajectory planning of a three-dof cable-suspended parallel robot. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 32(6):1550-1557, 2016. |
[633] | Xiaoling Jiang and Clément Gosselin. Trajectory generation for three-degree-of-freedom cable-suspended parallel robots based on analytical integration of the dynamic equations. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 8(4):041001-1-041001-7, 2016. |
[632] | Alexandre Campeau-Lecours and Clément Gosselin. An anticipative kinematic limitation avoidance algorithm for collaborative robots: Two-dimensional case. In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 2464-2470, Daejeon, Korea, 9-14 oct 2016. |
[631] | Ulysse Côté Allard, François Nougarou, Cheikh-Latyr Fall, Philippe Giguère, and Clément Gosselin. A convolutional neural network for robotic arm guidance using semg based frequency-features. In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 2464-2470, Daejeon, Korea, 9-14 oct 2016. |
[630] | Meiying Zhang, Thierry Laliberté, and Clément Gosselin. Design and static analysis of elastic force and torque limiting devices for safe physical human-robot interaction. In Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conferences, Charlottel, USA, 21-24 aug 2016. |
[629] | M Sheikholeslami, L Kovacs, Jozsef Kövecses, and Clément Gosselin. Reconfigurable mechanical systems for passive haptic displays. In Proceedings of the The Fourth Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics, Montreal, Canada, 29 may -2 jun 2016. |
[628] | Alexandre Lecours, Martin Otis, and Clément Gosselin. Modeling of physical human-robot interaction: Admittance controllers applied to intelligent assist devices with large payload. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 13(5):1-12, 2016. |
[627] | Alexandre Lecours, Martin Otis, Pierre-Luc Belzile, and Clément Gosselin. A time-domain vibration observer and controller for physical human-robot interaction. Mechatronics, 36:45-53, 2016. |
[626] | Alexandre Lecours, Simon Foucault, Thierry Laliberté, Boris Mayer-St-Onge, and Clément Gosselin. A cable-suspended intelligent crane assist device for the intuitive manipulation of large payloads. ASME/IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, 21(4):2073-2084, 2016. |
[625] | Pascal Labrecque, Jacques-Michel Haché, Muhammad Abdallah, and Clément M. Gosselin. Low-impedance physical human-robot interaction using an active-passive dynamics decoupling. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 1(2):938-945, 2016. |
[624] | Meiying Zhang, Thierry Laliberté, and Clément M. Gosselin. On the design of mechanically safe robots based on spatial isotropic force modules and torque limiters. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 105:199-212, 2016. |
[623] | Meiying Zhang, Tierry Laliberté, and Clément M. Gosselin. Force capabilities of two-degree-of-freedom serial robots equipped with passive isotropic force limiters. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 8:051002-1-051002-9, 2016. |
[622] | Nicolò Pedemonte, Thierry Laliberté, and Clément M. Gosselin. Bidirectional haptic communication: Application to the teaching and improvement of handwriting capabilities. Machines, 4(2):1-15, 2016. Article6. |
[621] | Nicolò Pedemonte, Thierry Laliberté, and Clément M. Gosselin. Design, control, and experimental validation of a handshaking reactive robotic interface. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 8:011020-1-011020-9, 2016. |
[620] | Meiying Zhang and Clément M. Gosselin. Optimal design of safe planar manipulators using passive torque limiters. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 8(2):011008-1-011008-11, 2016. |
[619] | Clément Gosselin, Mats Isaksson, Kristan Marlow, and Thierry Laliberté. Workspace and sensitivity analysis of a novel non-redundant parallel scara robot featuring infinite tool rotation. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Stockholm, Sweden, 16- 21 may 2016. |
[618] | Thierry Laliberté and Clément M. Gosselin. Synthesis, optimisation and experimental validation of reactionless two-dof parallel mechanisms using counter-mechanisms. Meccanica, 51(12):3211-3225, 2016. |
[617] | Antonius G. L. Hoevenaars, Clément Gosselin, Patrice Lambert, and Justus Herder. Consistent modeling resolves asymmetry in stiffness matrices. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 105:80-90, 2016. |
[616] | Amirhossein Karimi, Mehdi Tale-Masouleh, and Philippe Cardou. Avoiding the singularities of 3-rpr parallel mechanisms via dimensional synthesis and self-reconfigurabilit. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 99:189-206, 2016. |
[615] | Mats Isaksson, Clément Gosselin, and Kristan Marlow. An introduction to utilising the redundancy of a kinematically redundant parallel manipulator to operate a gripper. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 101:50-59, 2016. |
[614] | Clément Gosselin, Mats Isaksson, Kristan Marlow, and Thierry Laliberté. Workspace and sensitivity analysis of a novel non-redundant parallel scara robot featuring infinite tool rotation. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 1(2):776-783, 2016. |
[613] | Clément Gosselin and Louis-Thomas Schreiber. Kinematically redundant spatial parallel mechanisms for singularity avoidance and large orientational workspace. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 32(2):286-300, 2016. |
[612] | Antonius G. L. Hoevenaars, Clément Gosselin, Patrice Lambert, and Justus Herder. Experimental validation of jacobian-based stiffness analysis for parallel manipulators with non-redundant legs. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 8:041002-1-041002-10, 2016. |
[611] | André Gallant and Clément Gosselin. Parametric trajectory optimisation for increased payload. In CCToMM Symposium, Ottawa, Canada, 28-29 may 2015. |
[610] | Rachid Bekhti, Vincent Duchaine, and Philippe Cardou. A novel force sensing method based on stress imaging analysis. IEEE Sensors Journal, 16(7):1926-1936, 2015. |
[609] | Xiaoling Jiang and Clément Gosselin. Trajectory generation for three-degree-of-freedom cable-suspended parallel robots based on analytical integration of the dynamic equations. In Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conferences, page 9, Boston, USA, 2-5 aug 2015. |
[608] | Lewei Tang, Xiaoqiang Tang, Xiaoling Jiang, and Clément Gosselin. Dynamic trajectory planning of planar two-dof redundantly actuated cable-suspended parallel robots. Mechatronics, 30:187-197, 2015. |
[607] | Eric Barnett and Clément Gosselin. Weak support material techniques for alternative additive manufacturing materials. Additive Manufacturing, 8:95-104, 2015. |
[606] | Eric Barnett and Clément Gosselin. Large-scale 3d printing with a cable-suspended robot. Additive Manufacturing, 7:27-44, 2015. |
[605] | Eric Barnett and Clément Gosselin. Time-optimal trajectory planning of cable-driven parallel mechanisms for fully specified paths with g1-discontinuities. ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 137(7):071007-1-071007-12, 2015. |
[604] | Pascal Labrecque and Clément Gosselin. Performance optimization of a multi-dof bilateral robot force amplification using complementary stability. In Proceedings of the IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control, Sydney, Australia, 21-23 sep 2015. |
[603] | Dinh-Son Vu, Simon Foucault, Clément Gosselin, and Jozsef Kövecses. Design of a locomotion interface for gait simulation based on belt-driven parallel mechanisms. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 1581-1586, Seattle, USA, 26-30 may 2015. |
[602] | Meiying Zhang, Thierry Laliberté, and Clément Gosselin. Force capabilities of two-degree-of-freedom serial robots equipped with passive isotropic force limiters. In Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conferences, page 10, Boston, USA, 2-5 aug 2015. |
[601] | CL Fall, P Turgeon, Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, V Maheu, M Boukadoum S Roy, D Massicotte, and Clément Gosselin. Intuitive wireless control of a robotic arm for people living with an upper body disability. In Proceedings of the 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pages 4399-4402, Milan, Italy, 25-29 aug 2015. |
[600] | Marc-Antoine Lacasse and Clément Gosselin. Braking device using counter electromotive force for the ergonomic assisted manipulation of large payloads. Journal of Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 35:137-143, oct 2015. |
[599] | Nicolas Lauzier and Clément M. Gosselin. A comparison of the effectiveness of design approaches for human-friendly robots. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 137(8):082302-1-082302-8, 2015. |
[598] | David St-Onge, Clément Gosselin, and Nicolas Reeves. Dynamic modelling and control of a cubic flying blimp using external motion capture. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, pages 1-13, 2015. |
[597] | Qimi Jiang, Clément Gosselin, Yujun Wang, and Can Fang. Maximal singularity-free orientation workspace over a position region of gough-stewart platform. Advanced Robotics, 29(22):1-10, 2015. |
[596] | Clément Gosselin, Thierry Laliberté, and Audrey Veillette. Singularity-free kinematically redundant planar parallel mechanisms with unlimited rotational capability. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 31(2):457-467, 2015. |
[595] | Rachid Bekhti, Vincent Duchaine, and Philippe Cardou. Miniature capacitive three-axis force sensor. In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Chicago, Il, USA, 14-18 sep 2014. |
[594] | David St-Onge and Clément Gosselin. Deployable mechanisms for small to medium-sized space debris removal. In 65th International Astronautical Congres, Toronto, Canada, 29 sep -3 oct 2014. 11 pages. |
[593] | Vincent Babin, Clément Gosselin, and Jean-François Allan. A dual-motor robot joint mechanism with epicyclic gear train. In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Chicago, Il, USA, 14-18 sep 2014. |
[592] | Clément Gosselin and Hanwei Liu. Polynomial inverse kinematic solution of the jaco robot. In ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conferences, Buffalo, NY, USA, 17-20 aug 2014. 11 pages. |
[591] | Clément Gosselin, Alexandre Lecours, Thierry Laliberté, and Michaël Fortin. Design and experimental validation of planar programmable inertia generators. The International Journal of Robotics Research, 33(4):489-506, apr 2014. |
[590] | Thierry Laliberté and Clément Gosselin. Construction, mobility analysis and synthesis of polyhedra with articulated faces. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 6(1):011007-1-011007-11, 2014. |
[589] | Peng He, Philippe Cardou, André Desbiens, and Eric Gagnon. Estimating the orientation of a rigid body moving in space using inertial sensors. Multibody System Dynamics, 2014. DOI 10.1007/s11044-014-9425-8. |
[588] | Rachid Bekhti, Vincent Duchaine, and Philippe Cardou. Structural optimisation of a force-torque sensor through its input-output relationship. Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 38(2):199-212, 2014. |
[587] | Hassan Bayani, Mehdi Tale-Masouleh, Amirhossein Karimi, and Philippe Cardou. On the determination of the maximal inscribed ellipsoid in the wrench-feasible workspace of the cable-driven parallel robots. In 2nd International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, Tehran, Iran, 15-17 oct 2014. |
[586] | Lewei Tang, Clément Gosselin, Xiaoqiang Tang, and Xiaoling Jiang. Dynamic trajectory planning of planar two-dof redundantly actuated cable-suspended parallel robots. In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Chicago, Il, USA, 14-18 sep 2014. |
[585] | Clément Gosselin and Simon Foucault. Experimental determination of the accuracy of a three-dof cable-suspended parallel robot performing dynamic trajectories. In 2nd International Conference on Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, pages 101-112, Duisburg, Germany, 24-27 aug 2014. |
[584] | Ana-Lucia Cruz-Ruiz, Stéphane Caro, Philippe Cardou, and François Guay. Arachnis: Analysis of robots actuated by cables with handy and neat interface software. In 2nd International Conference on Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, pages 293-304, Duisburg, Germany, 24-27 aug 2014. |
[583] | Alexis Fortin-Côté, Philippe Cardou, and Clément Gosselin. An admittance control scheme for haptic interfaces based on cable-driven parallel mechanisms. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 819-825, Hong Kong, China, 31 may -7 jun 2014. |
[582] | Xiaoling Jiang and Clément Gosselin. Dynamically feasible trajectories for three-dof planar cable-suspended parallel robots. In ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conferences, Buffalo, NY, USA, 17-20 aug 2014. 10 pages. |
[581] | Pascal Dion-Gauvin and Clément Gosselin. On the direct static problem of a planar rigid body suspended from two cables. In ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conferences, Buffalo, NY, USA, 17-20 aug 2014. 9 pages. |
[580] | Simon Perreault, Philippe Cardou, and Clément Gosselin. Approximate static balancing of a planar parallel cable-driven mechanism based on four-bar linkages and springs. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 79:64-79, 2014. |
[579] | Clément Gosselin. Cable-driven parallel mechanisms: state of the art and perspectives. Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Mechanical Engineering Reviews, 1(1):1-17, jan 2014. |
[578] | Clément Gosselin and Simon Foucault. Dynamic point-to-point trajectory planning of a two-dof cable-suspended parallel robot. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 30(3):728-736, 2014. |
[577] | Hanwei Liu, Clément Gosselin, and Thierry Laliberté. Two-degree-of-freedom decoupled nonredundant cable-loop-driven parallel mechanism. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 6(1):014501-1-014501-5, 2014. |
[576] | Pascal Labrecque and Clément Gosselin. Robotic force amplification with free space motion capability. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 134-140, Hong Kong, China, 31 may -7 jun 2014. |
[575] | Nicolò Pedemonte, Frédérik Berthiaume, Thierry Laliberté, and Clément Gosselin. Design and experimental validation of a two-degree-of-freedom force illusion device. In ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conferences, Buffalo, NY, USA, 17-20 aug 2014. 9 pages. |
[574] | Louis-Thomas Schreiber, Clément Gosselin, and Thierry Laliberté. Analyse cinématique et dynamique d'un robot patineur. Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 38(2):185-197, 2014. |
[573] | Davide Corradi, Stéphane Caro, Damien Chablat, and Philippe Cardou. Assembly conditions of parallel manipulators considering geometric errors, joint clearances, link flexibility and joint elasticity. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 4067-4072, Hong Kong, China, 31 may -7 jun 2014. |
[572] | Amirhossein Karimi, Mehdi Tale-Masouleh, and Philippe Cardou. Singularity-free workspace analysis of general 6-ups parallel mechanisms via convex optimization. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 80:17-34, 2014. |
[571] | François Guay, Philippe Cardou, Ana Lucia Cruz-Ruiz, and Stéphane Caro. Measuring how well a structure supports varying external wrenches. In 2nd Conference on Mechanisms, Transmissions and Applications, pages 385-392, Bilbao, Spain, 2-4 oct 2013. |
[570] | Rachid Bekhti, Vincent Duchaine, and Philippe Cardou. Structural optimization of a force-torque sensor through its input-output relationship. In CCToMM Symposium, Montréal, Canada, 30-31 may 2013. |
[569] | Eric Barnett and Clément Gosselin. Time-optimal trajectory planning of cable-driven parallel mechanisms for fully-specified, g-1 discontinuous paths. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Portland, Oregon, USA, 4-7 aug 2013. paper DETC2013-12108. |
[568] | Hanwei Liu and Clément Gosselin. Dynamic analysis and natural frequencies of planar and spatial spring-loaded cable-loop-driven parallel mechanisms. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines and Mechatronics, Montréal, Canada, 30-31 may 2013. |
[567] | Kaveh Azizian and Philippe Cardou. The dimensional synthesis of spatial cable-driven parallel mechanisms. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 5(4):044502-1-044502-8, 2013. |
[566] | Marc-Antoine Lacasse, Geneviève Lachance, Julien Boisclair, Jérémie Ouellet, and Clément Gosselin. On the design of a statically balanced serial robot using remote counterweights. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 4174-4179, Karlsruhe, Germany, 6-10 may 2013. |
[565] | Nicolò Pedemonte, Thierry Laliberté, and Clément Gosselin. A bidirectional haptic device for the training and assessment of handwriting capabilities. In IEEE World Haptics Conference, The 5th Joint Eurohaptics Conference and IEEE Haptics Symposium, pages 599-604, Daejeon, Korea, 14-18 apr 2013. |
[564] | Jack Wever, Clément Gosselin, and Just Herder. On the design of a portable force illusion device for navigation aids. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Portland, Oregon, USA, 4-7 aug 2013. paper DETC2013-12374. |
[563] | Wei Chen and Clément Gosselin. On the force capabilities of two-degree-of-freedom planar parallel mechanisms equipped with safety clutches. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Portland, Oregon, USA, 4-7 aug 2013. paper DETC2013-12379. |
[562] | Clément Gosselin, Thierry Laliberté, Boris Mayer-St-Onge, Simon Foucault, Alexandre Lecours, Dalong Gao, and Roland Menassa. A friendly beast of burden: On the development of a human assistive robot for handling large payloads. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, 20(4):139-147, 2013. |
[561] | Louis-Thomas Schreiber, Clément Gosselin, and Thierry Laliberté. Kinematic and dynamic analysis of a skating robot. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines and Mechatronics, Montréal, Canada, 30-31 may 2013. |
[560] | Thierry Laliberté and Clément M. Gosselin. Dynamic balancing of two-degree-of-freedom parallel mechanisms using a counter-mechanism. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Portland, Oregon, USA, 4-7 aug 2013. paper DETC2013-12107. |
[559] | Xianwen Kong, Damien Chablat, Stéphane Caro, Jingjun Yu, and Clément M. Gosselin. Type synthesis of kinematically redundant 3t1r parallel manipulators. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Portland, Oregon, USA, 4-7 aug 2013. paper DETC2013-12575. |
[558] | Amirhossein Karimi, Mehdi Tale-Masouleh, and Philippe Cardou. Obtaining the maximal singularity-free workspace of 6-ups parallel mechanisms via convex optimization. In Computational Kinematics, pages 239-247, Barcelona, Spain, 12-15 may 2013. |
[557] | Karine Doyon, Clément Gosselin, and Philippe Cardou. A vector expression of the constant-orientation singularity locus of the gough-stewart platform. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 5(3):034502-1 - 034502-4, 2013. |
[556] | Yi Cao, Clément Gosselin, Hui Zhou, Ping Ren, and Weixi Ji. Orientation-singularity analysis and orientationability evaluation of a special class of the stewart-gough parallel manipulators. Robotica, 31(8):1361-1372, 2013. |
[555] | Mathieu Baril, Thierry Laliberté, Clément M. Gosselin, and François Routhier. On the design of a mechanically programmable underactuated anthropomorphic prosthetic gripper. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 135(12):121008-1-121008-9, dec 2013. |
[554] | Peng He, Philippe Cardou, and André Desbiens. Estimating the orientation of a game controller moving in the vertical plane using inertial sensors. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Chicago, USA, 12-15 aug 2012. paper DETC2012-70446. |
[553] | Brian Moore and Clément Gosselin. Complete moment balancing of contra planar 5r linkages. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Chicago, USA, 12-15 aug 2012. paper DETC2012-70034. |
[552] | Peng He and Philippe Cardou. Estimating the angular velocity from body-fixed accelerometers. ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 134(6):061015-1-061015-10, 2012. |
[551] | Volkert van der Wijk, Bram Demeulenaere, Clément Gosselin, and Just Herder. Comparative analysis for low-mass and low-inertia dynamic balancing of mechanisms. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 4(3):031008-1-031008-8, 2012. |
[550] | Kaveh Azizian and Philippe Cardou. The constant-orientation dimensional synthesis of planar cable-driven parallel mechanisms through convex relaxations. In First International Conference on Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, pages 215-230, Stuttgart, Germany, 2-4 sep 2012. |
[549] | Clément Gosselin. Global planning of dynamically feasible trajectories for three-dof spatial cable-suspended parallel robots. In First International Conference on Cable-Driven Parallel Robots, pages 3-22, Stuttgart, Germany, 2-4 sep 2012. |
[548] | Hanwei Liu, Clément Gosselin, and Thierry Laliberté. Two-degree-of-freedom decoupled non-redundant cable-loop-driven parallel mechanism. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Chicago, USA, 12-15 aug 2012. DETC2012-70442. |
[547] | Ping Ren and Clément Gosselin. Trajectory planning of cable-suspended parallel robots using interval positive-definite polynomials. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Chicago, USA, 12-15 aug 2012. DETC2012-71205. |
[546] | Clément Gosselin, Ping Ren, and Simon Foucault. Dynamic trajectory planning of a two-dof cable-suspended parallel robot. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 1476-1481, St. Paul, USA, 14-18 may 2012. |
[545] | Nathaniel Zoso and Clément Gosselin. Point-to-point motion planning of a parallel 3-dof underactuated cable-suspended robot. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 2325-2330, St. Paul, USA, 14-18 may 2012. |
[544] | Jean-François Collard and Philippe Cardou. Computing the lowest equilibrium pose of a cable-suspended rigid body. Optimization and Engineering, 14(3):457-476, 2012. |
[543] | Hanwei Liu, Clément Gosselin, and Thierry Laliberté. Conceptual design and static analysis of novel planar spring-loaded cable-loop-driven parallel mechanisms. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 4(2):021001-1-021001-11, 2012. |
[542] | Kaveh Azizian and Philippe Cardou. The dimensional synthesis of planar parallel cable-driven mechanisms through convex relaxations. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 4(3):031011-1-031011-13, 2012. |
[541] | Kaveh Azizian, Philippe Cardou, and Brian Moore. Classifying the boundaries of the wrench-closure workspace of planar parallel cable-driven mechanisms by visual inspection. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 4(2):024503-1-024503-5, 2012. |
[540] | Hanwei Liu, Clément Gosselin, and Thierry Laliberté. Conceptual design and static analysis of novel planar spring-loaded cable-loop-driven parallel mechanisms. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 4(2):021001-1-021001-11, 2012. |
[539] | Clément Gosselin, Alexandre Lecours, Thierry Laliberté, and Frédéric Lessard. On the development of a programmable inertia generator. In 13th International Symposium on Experimental Robotics, Québec, QC, Canada, 17-21 jun 2012. 12 pages. |
[538] | Alexandre Lecours and Clément Gosselin. Computed-torque control of a four-degree-of-freedom admittance controlled intelligent assist device. In 13th International Symposium on Experimental Robotics, Québec, QC, Canada, 17-21 jun 2012. 15 pages. |
[537] | Alexandre Lecours, Boris Mayer-St-Onge, and Clément Gosselin. Variable admittance control of a four-degree-of-freedom intelligent assist device. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 3903-3908, St. Paul, USA, 14-18 may 2012. |
[536] | Vincent Duchaine, Boris Mayer-St-Onge, Dalong Gao, and Clément M. Gosselin. Stable and intuitive control of an intelligent assist device. IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 5(2):148-159, 2012. |
[535] | Nicolas Lauzier and Clément M. Gosselin. Performance indices for collaborative serial robots with optimally adjusted series clutch actuators. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 4(2):021002-1-021002-11, 2012. |
[534] | Karine Doyon, Clément Gosselin, and Philippe Cardou. A frame-independant vector expression of the singularity locus of the gough-stewart platform. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Chicago, USA, 12-15 aug 2012. paper DETC2012-70526. |
[533] | Semaan Amine, Mehdi Tale-Masouleh, Stéphane Caro, Philippe Wenger, and Clément Gosselin. Singularity analysis of 3t2r parallel mechanisms using grassmann-cayley algebra and grassmann geometry. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 52(6):326-340, 2012. |
[532] | Semaan Amine, Mehdi Tale-Masouleh, Stéphane Caro, Philippe Wenger, and Clément Gosselin. Singularity conditions of 3t1r parallel manipulators with identical limb structures. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 4(1):011011-1-011011-11, 2012. |
[531] | Yi Cao, Clément Gosselin, Ping Ren, and Hui Zhou. Orientationability analyses of a special class of the stewart-gough parallel manipulators using the unit quaternion representation. Advanced Robotics, 26(1):1-12, 2012. |
[530] | Shujun Li and Clément Gosselin. Determination of the singularity-free zones in the workspace of planar parallel mechanisms with revolute actuators. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 121-126:1992-1996, 2012. |
[529] | Mathieu Baril, Thierry Laliberté, Clément M. Gosselin, and François Routhier. On the design of mechanically programmable underactuated anthropomorphic robotic and prosthetic grippers. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Chicago, USA, 12-15 aug 2012. DETC2012-70705. |
[528] | Nicolas Binaud, Stéphane Caro, Philippe Cardou, and Philippe Wenger. Influence des jeux dans les articulations de l'orthoglide. In 4e Congrès International de Conception et Modélisation des Systèmes Mécaniques, Sousse, Tunisia, 30 may - 1 jun 2011. |
[527] | Martin Grenier and Clément Gosselin. Kinematic optimization of a robotic joint with continuously variable transmission ratio. In ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Washington, USA, 28-31 aug 2011. paper DETC2011-48443. |
[526] | Philippe Cardou, Guillaume Fournier, and Philippe Gagnon. A nonlinear program for angular-velocity estimation from centripetal-acceleration measurements. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 16(5):932-944, 2011. |
[525] | Dany Dubé and Philippe Cardou. The calibration of an array of accelerometers. Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 35(2):251-267, 2011. |
[524] | François Guay, Jean-François Collard, Philippe Cardou, and Marc Gouttefarde. An improved branch-and-bound algorithm for minimizing the potential energy of a cable-suspended rigid body. In ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Washington, USA, 28-31 aug 2011. paper DETC-48169. |
[523] | Hanwei Liu, Clément Gosselin, and Thierry Laliberté. A spatial spring-loaded cable-loop-driven parallel mechanism. In ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Washington, USA, 28-31 aug 2011. paper DETC2011-48261. |
[522] | Martin J.D. Otis, Denis Laurendeau, and Clément Gosselin. Reduced-scale cable-driven locomotion interface for rehabilitation and training. In 34th Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Conference (CMBEC34), Toronto, Canada, 5-8 jun 2011. |
[521] | Simon Perreault, Philippe Cardou, and Clément Gosselin. Towards parallel cable-driven pantographs. In ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Washington, USA, 28-31 aug 2011. paper DETC2011-47751. |
[520] | Clément M. Gosselin and Martin Grenier. On the determination of the force distribution in overconstrained cable-driven parallel mechanisms. Meccanica, 46(1):3-15, 2011. |
[519] | Clément Gosselin and Thierry Laliberté. On the development of a walking rehabilitation device with a large workspace. In IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), Zurich, Switzerland, 29 jun - 1 jul 2011. |
[518] | Nicolas Lauzier and Clément Gosselin. Towards whole-arm statics. In ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Washington, USA, 28-31 aug 2011. paper DETC2011-47666. |
[517] | Nicolas Lauzier and Clément Gosselin. Series clutch actuators for safe physical human-robot interaction. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 5401-5406, Shanghai, China, 9-13 may 2011. |
[516] | Vincent Duchaine and Clément M. Gosselin. Unified robot control scheme for cooperative motion, autonomous motion and contact reaction. Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 23(4):557-566, 2011. |
[515] | David St-Onge, Nicolas Reeves, and Clément Gosselin. A comparison of collaborative approaches in robotic artworks. In IEEE ICRA Workshop on Robots and Art, Shanghai, China, 9-13 may 2011. |
[514] | David St-Onge, Nicolas Reeves, and Clément Gosselin. Voiles/sails: a modular architecture for a fast parallel development in an international multidisciplinary project. In IEEE 15th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), Tallinn, Estonia, 20-23 jun 2011. |
[513] | Semaan Amine, Mehdi Tale-Masouleh, Stéphane Caro, Philippe Wenger, and Clément Gosselin. Singularity analysis of the 4-ruu parallel manipulator based on grassmann-cayley algebra and grassmann geometry. In ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Washington, USA, 28-31 aug 2011. paper DETC2011-48226. |
[512] | Semaan Amine, Mehdi Tale-Masouleh, Stéphane Caro, Philippe Wenger, and Clément Gosselin. Singularity analysis of 5-dof parallel mechanisms 3t2r using grassmann-cayley algebra. In 13th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Guanajuato, Mexico, 19-25 jun 2011. |
[511] | Semaan Amine, Mehdi Tale-Masouleh, Stéphane Caro, Philippe Wenger, and Clément Gosselin. Singularity analysis of the 4-ruu parallel manipulator using grassmann-cayley algebra. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines and Mechatronics, Montreal, Canada, 2-3 jun 2011. |
[510] | Xianwen Kong, Jingjun Yu, and Clément Gosselin. Geometric interpretation of singular configurations of a class of parallel manipulators. In ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Washington, USA, 28-31 aug 2011. paper DETC2011-48165. |
[509] | M. Nefzi, Clément Gosselin, M. Riedel, M. Hüsing, and B. Corves. Dimensional synthesis of parallel manipulators based on direction-dependent jacobian indices. In Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, Aachen, Germany, 6-9 dec 2011. |
[508] | Mohammad Hossein Saadatzi, Mehdi Tale-Masouleh, Hamid D. Taghirad, Clément Gosselin, and M. Teshnehlab. Multi-objective scale-independent optimization of 3-rpr parallel mechanisms. In 13th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Guanajuato, Mexico, 19-25 jun 2011. |
[507] | Mohammad Hossein Saadatzi, Mehdi Tale-Masouleh, Hamid D. Taghirad, Clément Gosselin, and Philippe Cardou. Geometric analysis of the kinematic sensitivity of planar parallel mechanisms. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines and Mechatronics, Montreal, Canada, 2-3 jun 2011. |
[506] | Mohammad Hossein Saadatzi, Mehdi Tale-Masouleh, Hamid D. Taghirad, Clément Gosselin, and Philippe Cardou. On the optimum design of 3-rpr parallel mechanisms. In 19th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, Tehran, Iran, 17-19 may 2011. |
[505] | Mehdi Tale-Masouleh, Dominic Walter, Manfred Husty, and Clément Gosselin. Forward kinematics of the symmetric 5-dof parallel mechanisms (3r2t) using the linear implicitization algorithm. In 13th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Guanajuato, Mexico, 19-25 jun 2011. |
[504] | Mehdi Tale-Masouleh, Dominic Walter, Manfred Husty, and Clément Gosselin. Solving the forward kinematic problem of 4-dof parallel mechanisms (3t1r) with identical limb structures and revolute actuators using the linear implicitization algorithm. In ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Washington, USA, 28-31 aug 2011. paper DETC2011-47884. |
[503] | Semaan Amine, Mehdi Tale-Masouleh, Stéphane Caro, Philippe Wenger, and Clément Gosselin. Singularity analysis of the 4-ruu parallel manipulator using grassmann-cayley algebra. Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 35(4):515-528, 2011. |
[502] | Jean-François Collard and Clément M. Gosselin. Optimal synthesis of a planar reactionless three-degree-of-freedom parallel mechanism. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 3(4), 2011. paper 041009. |
[501] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. Forward displacement analysis of a quadratic 4-dof 3t1r parallel manipulator: The quadrupteron. Meccanica, 46(1):147-154, 2011. |
[500] | Xianwen Kong, Clément M. Gosselin, and James M. Ritchie. Forward displacement analysis of a linearly actuated quadratic spherical parallel manipulator. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 3(1), 2011. paper 011007. |
[499] | Cyril Quennouelle and Clément M. Gosselin. Kinematostatic modeling of compliant parallel mechanisms: Application to a 3-prrr mechanism, the tripteron. Meccanica, 46(1):155-169, 2011. |
[498] | Mohammad Hossein Saadatzi, Mehdi Tale-Masouleh, Hamid D. Taghirad, Clément Gosselin, and Philippe Cardou. Geometric analysis of the kinematic sensitivity of planar parallel mechanisms. Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 35(4):477-490, 2011. |
[497] | Mehdi Tale-Masouleh, Clément M. Gosselin, Manfred Husty, and Dominic R. Walter. Forward kinematic problem of 5-rpur parallel mechanisms (3t2r) with identical limb structures. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 46(7):945-959, 2011. |
[496] | Mehdi Tale-Masouleh, Clément M. Gosselin, Mohammad Hossein Saadatzi, Xianwen Kong, and Hamid D. Taghirad. Kinematic analysis of 5-rpur (3t2r) parallel mechanisms. Meccanica, 46(1):131-146, 2011. |
[495] | Louis-Alexis Allen-Demers and Clément M. Gosselin. Spatial abduction mechanism for an anthropomorphic robotic hand. In 13th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Guanajuato, Mexico, 19-25 jun 2011. |
[494] | Louis-Alexis Allen-Demers and Clément M. Gosselin. Kinematic design of a planar and spherical mechanism for the abduction of the fingers of an anthropomorphic robotic hand. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 5350-5356, Shanghai, China, 9-13 may 2011. |
[493] | Gert Kragten, Mathieu Baril, Clément M. Gosselin, and Just Herder. Stable precision grasps by underactuated grippers. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 27(6):1056-1066, 2011. |
[492] | Nicolas Berger, Ricardo Soto, Alexandre Goldsztejn, Stéphane Caro, and Philippe Cardou. Finding the maximal pose error in robotic mechanical systems using constraint programming. In 23rd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, Cordoba, Spain, 1-4 jun 2010. |
[491] | Nicolas Binaud, Philippe Cardou, Stéphane Caro, and Philippe Wenger. The kinematic sensitivity of robotic manipulators to joint clearances. In ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Montréal, Canada, 15-18 aug 2010. paper DETC2010-28635. |
[490] | Philippe Cardou. Computing the rigid-body acceleration field from nine accelerometer measurements. In J. Angeles, B. Boulet, J.J. Clark, J. Kovecses, and K. Siddiqi, editors, CIM25 Symposium on Brain, Body and Machine, pages 325-339, Montréal, Canada, 10-12 nov 2010. Springer. |
[489] | Philippe Cardou, Samuel Bouchard, and Clément M. Gosselin. Kinematic sensitivity indices for dimensionally nonhomogeneous jacobian matrices. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 26(1):166-173, 2010. |
[488] | Pierre-Luc Richard, Clément M. Gosselin, Thierry Laliberté, Martin Paradis, Marlyne Goulet, Jacques P. Tremblay, and Daniel Skuk. A first semimanual device for clinical intramuscular repetitive cell injections. Cell Transplantation, 19, 2010. |
[487] | Kaveh Azizian, Philippe Cardou, and Brian Moore. On the boundaries of the wrench-closure workspace of planar parallel cable-driven mechanisms. In ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Montréal, Canada, 15-18 aug 2010. paper DETC2010-28135. |
[486] | Clément M. Gosselin, Simon Lefrançois, and Nathaniel Zoso. Underactuated cable-driven robots: machine, control and suspended bodies. In CIM Symposium on Brain, Body and Machine, pages 311-323, Montréal, Canada, 10-12 nov 2010. |
[485] | Simon Lefrançois and Clément M. Gosselin. Point-to-point motion control of a pendulum-like 3-dof underactuated cable-driven robot. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 5187-5193, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 3-8 may 2010. |
[484] | Hanwei Liu, Clément M. Gosselin, and Thierry Laliberté. A planar spring-loaded cable-loop-driven parallel mechanism. In ASME IDETC/CIE Conferences, Montréal, Canada, 15-18 aug 2010. paper DETC2010-28424. |
[483] | Martin J.D. Otis, Sylvain Comtois, Denis Laurendeau, and Clément M. Gosselin. Human safety algorithms for a parallel cable-driven haptic interface. In CIM Symposium on Brain, Body and Machine, pages 187-200, Montréal, Canada, 10-12 nov 2010. |
[482] | Samuel Bouchard, Clément M. Gosselin, and Brian Moore. On the ability of a cable-driven robot to generate a set of wrenches. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2(1), 2010. paper 011010. |
[481] | Clément M. Gosselin and Samuel Bouchard. A gravity-powered mechanism for extending the workspace of a cable-driven parallel mechanism: Application to the appearance modelling of objects. International Journal of Automation Technology, 4(4):372-379, 2010. |
[480] | Simon Perreault, Philippe Cardou, Clément M. Gosselin, and Martin J.D. Otis. Geometric determination of the interference-free constant-orientation workspace of parallel cable-driven mechanisms. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2(3), 2010. paper 031016. |
[479] | Marc-Antoine Lacasse, Vincent Duchaine, and Clément M. Gosselin. Characterization of the electrical resistance of carbon-black-filled silicone: Application to a flexible and stretchable robot skin. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 4842-4848, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 3-8 may 2010. |
[478] | Nicolas Lauzier and Clément M. Gosselin. 3-dof cartesian force limiting device based on the delta architecture for safe physical human-robot interaction. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 3420-3425, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 3-8 may 2010. |
[477] | Nicolas Lauzier and Clément M. Gosselin. Performance indices for collaborative serial robots with optimally adjusted series clutch actuators. In ASME IDETC/CIE Conferences, Montréal, Canada, 15-18 aug 2010. paper DETC2010-28217. |
[476] | Simon G. Rocheleau and Clément M. Gosselin. Prompt: a small walking robot as a scouting rover for space exploration. In CASI Astronautics Conference, Toronto, Canada, 4-6 may 2010. paper AS-10-025. |
[475] | David St-Onge and Nicolas Reeves. Human interaction with flying cubic automata. In Human-Robot Interaction Conference; What Do Collaborations with the Arts Have to Say About HRI Workshop, pages 11-18, Osaka, Japan, 2-5 mar 2010. |
[474] | David St-Onge, Clément M. Gosselin, and Nicolas Reeves. Dynamic modelling of a cubic flying robot. In ASME IDETC/CIE Conferences, Montréal, Canada, 15-18 aug 2010. paper DETC2010-28811. |
[473] | Philippe Cardou, Denis Laurendeau, Luc Beaulieu, Luc Bélanger, and Alexandre Carette. The dimensional synthesis of the linear delta robot for a force-feedback device. In ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Montréal, Canada, 15-18 aug 2010. paper DETC2010-28383. |
[472] | Jean-François Collard and Clément Gosselin. Optimal synthesis of a planar reactionless three-degree-of-freedom parallel mechanism. In ASME IDETC/CIE Conferences, Montréal, Canada, 15-18 aug 2010. paper DETC2010-28861. |
[471] | Xianwen Kong, Clément Gosselin, and James M. Ritchie. Forward displacement analysis of a linearly actuated quadratic spherical parallel manipulator. In ASME IDETC/CIE Conferences, Montréal, Canada, 15-18 aug 2010. paper DETC2010-28126. |
[470] | Thierry Laliberté, Clément Gosselin, and Dalong Gao. Closed-loop transmission routings for cartesian scara-type manipulators. In ASME IDETC/CIE Conferences, Montréal, Canada, 15-18 aug 2010. paper DETC2010-28718. |
[469] | Mehdi Tale-Masouleh, Mohammad Hossein Saadatzi, Clément Gosselin, and Hamid D. Taghirad. A geometric constructive approach for the workspace analysis of symmetrical 5-prur parallel mechanisms (3t2r). In ASME IDETC/CIE Conferences, Montréal, Canada, 15-18 aug 2010. paper DETC2010-28509. |
[468] | Mehdi Tale-Masouleh, Manfred Husty, and Clément Gosselin. Forward kinematic problem of 5-prur parallel mechanisms using study parameters. In 12th International Symposium on Advances in Robot Kinematics (ARK), pages 211-221, Piran-Portoroz, Slovenia, 27 jun - 1 jul 2010. |
[467] | Mehdi Tale-Masouleh, Manfred Husty, and Clément Gosselin. A general methodology for the forward kinematic problem of symmetrical parallel mechanisms and application for 5-prur parallel mechanisms (3t2r). In ASME IDETC/CIE Conferences, Montréal, Canada, 15-18 aug 2010. paper DETC2010-28222. |
[466] | Qimi Jiang and Clément M. Gosselin. Dynamic optimization of reactionless four-bar linkages. ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 132(4), 2010. paper 041006. |
[465] | Qimi Jiang and Clément M. Gosselin. Effects of orientation angles on the singularity-free workspace and orientation optimization of the gough-stewart platform. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2(1), 2010. paper 011001. |
[464] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. A formula that produces a unique solution to the forward displacement analysis of a quadratic spherical parallel manipulator: The agile eye. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2(4), 2010. paper 044501. |
[463] | Alexandre Lecours and Clément M. Gosselin. Reactionless two-degree-of-freedom planar parallel mechanism with variable payload. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2(4), 2010. paper 041010. |
[462] | Brian Moore, Josef Schicho, and Clément M. Gosselin. Dynamic balancing of spherical 4r linkages. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2(2), 2010. paper 021002. |
[461] | Louis-Alexis Allen-Demers and Clément M. Gosselin. Kinematic design of a thumb metacarpal for an anthropomorphic robotic hand. In ASME IDETC/CIE Conferences, Montréal, Canada, 15-18 aug 2010. paper DETC2010-28710. |
[460] | Louis-Alexis Allen-Demers and Clément M. Gosselin. Kinematic design of a finger abduction mechanism for an anthropomorphic robotic hand. In IFToMM/ASME workshop on Underactuated Grasping, pages (8 pages on CD-ROM), Montréal, Canada, 19 aug 2010. |
[459] | Mathieu Baril, Thierry Laliberté, François Guay, and Clément M. Gosselin. Static analysis of single-input/multiple-output tendon-driven underactuated mechanisms for robotic hands. In ASME IDETC/CIE Conferences, Montréal, Canada, 15-18 aug 2010. paper DETC2010-28933. |
[458] | Clément M. Gosselin and Thierry Laliberté. Underactuated versatile gripper for the cleaning of nuclear sites. In 1st International Conference on Applied Robotics for the Power Industry (CARPI), pages (6 pages on CD-ROM), Montréal, Canada, 5-7 oct 2010. |
[457] | François Guay and Clément M. Gosselin. Static model for a 3-dof underactuated finger. In IFToMM/ASME workshop on Underactuated Grasping, pages (8 pages on CD-ROM), Montréal, Canada, 19 aug 2010. |
[456] | Thierry Laliberté, Mathieu Baril, François Guay, and Clément M. Gosselin. Towards the design of a prosthetic underactuated hand. In IFToMM/ASME workshop on Underactuated Grasping, pages (8 pages on CD-ROM), Montréal, Canada, 19 aug 2010. |
[455] | Cyril Quennouelle and Clément M. Gosselin. Quasi-static modelling of compliant mechanisms: application to a 2-dof underactuated finger. In IFToMM/ASME workshop on Underactuated Grasping, pages (8 pages on CD-ROM), Montréal, Canada, 19 aug 2010. |
[454] | Thierry Laliberté, Mathieu Baril, François Guay, and Clément M. Gosselin. Towards the design of a prosthetic underactuated hand. Mechanical Sciences, 1(1):19-26, 2010. |
[453] | Philippe Cardou and Jorge Angeles. Linear estimation of the rigid-body acceleration field from point-acceleration measurements. ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 131(4):041013-1-041013-10, 2009. |
[452] | Jean-Philippe Jobin and Clément M. Gosselin. Discretely deformable surface based on mechanical interpolation: application to the design of a dynamically reconfigurable theater stage. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 1(1), 2009. paper 011005. |
[451] | Grégoire Billette and Clément M. Gosselin. Producing rigid contacts in cable-driven haptic interfaces using impact generating reels. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 307-312, Kobe, Japan, 12-17 may 2009. |
[450] | Catherine Leclerc and Clément M. Gosselin. Algorithme génétique multicritériel pour l'optimisation de l'architecture des mécanismes entraînés par câbles - application à un simulateur de vol. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines and Mechatronics, Québec, Canada, 28-29 may 2009. |
[449] | Hanwei Liu and Clément M. Gosselin. A planar closed-loop cable-driven parallel mechanism. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines and Mechatronics, Québec, Canada, 28-29 may 2009. |
[448] | Martin J.D. Otis, Thien-Ly Nguyen-Dang, Denis Laurendeau, and Clément M. Gosselin. Interference estimated time of arrival on a 6-dof cable-driven haptic foot platform. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 1067-1072, Kobe, Japan, 12-17 may 2009. |
[447] | Martin J.D. Otis, Thien-Ly Nguyen-Dang, Thierry Laliberté, Denis Ouellet, Denis Laurendeau, and Clément M. Gosselin. Cable tension control and analysis of reel transparency for 6-dof haptic foot platform on a cable-driven locomotion interface. In International Conference on Intelligent Control Systems Engineering, volume 2, pages 520-532, Rome, Italy, 28-30 apr 2009. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. |
[446] | Martin J.D. Otis, Thien-Ly Nguyen-Dang, Denis Laurendeau, and Clément M. Gosselin. Extremum seeking tuning for reel tension control in haptic application. In Intelligent systems and automation: 2nd Mediterranean Conference on Intelligent Systems and Automation (CISA'09), pages 275-280, Zarzis, Tunisia, 23-25 mar 2009. |
[445] | Simon Perreault and Philippe Cardou. Approximate static balancing of a planar parallel cable-driven mechanism. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics, Québec, Canada, 28-29 may 2009. |
[444] | Catherine Leclerc and Clément M. Gosselin. Algorithme génétique multicritériel pour l'optimisation de l'architecture des mécanismes entraînés par câbles - application à un simulateur de vol. Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 33(4):633-644, 2009. |
[443] | Hanwei Liu and Clément M. Gosselin. A planar closed-loop cable-driven parallel mechanism. Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 33(4):587-596, 2009. |
[442] | Martin J.D. Otis, T.-L. Nguyen-Dang, Thierry Laliberté, Denis Ouellet, Denis Laurendeau, and Clément M. Gosselin. Cable tension control and analysis of reel transparency for 6-dof haptic foot platform on a cable-driven locomotion interface. International Journal of Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering, 3(1):16-29, 2009. |
[441] | Martin J.D. Otis, Simon Perreault, T.-L. Nguyen-Dang, Patrice Lambert, Marc Gouttefarde, Denis Laurendeau, and Clément M. Gosselin. Determination and management of cable interferences between two 6-dof foot platforms in a cable-driven locomotion interface. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans, 39(3):528-544, 2009. |
[440] | Vincent Duchaine and Clément M. Gosselin. Safe, stable and intuitive control for physical human-robot interaction. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 3383-3388, Kobe, Japan, 12-17 may 2009. |
[439] | Vincent Duchaine, Nicolas Lauzier, Mathieu Baril, Marc-Antoine Lacasse, and Clément M. Gosselin. A flexible robot skin for safe physical human robot interaction. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 3676-3681, Kobe, Japan, 12-17 may 2009. |
[438] | Nicolas Lauzier, Martin Grenier, and Clément M. Gosselin. 2-dof cartesian force limiting device for safe physical human-robot interaction. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 253-258, Kobe, Japan, 12-17 may 2009. |
[437] | Nicolas Lauzier, Clément M. Gosselin, Thierry Laliberté, and Philippe Tremblay. Adaptive gravity compensation of decoupled parallel and serial manipulators using a passive hydraulic transmission. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 223(C12):2871-2879, 2009. DOI: 10.1243/09544062JMES1653. |
[436] | Simon G. Rocheleau, Vincent Duchaine, Pascal Bochud, and Clément M. Gosselin. Prompt: A small walking robot for planetary exploration. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, San Diego, USA, 30 aug - 2 sep 2009. paper DETC2009/87508. |
[435] | Qimi Jiang and Clément Gosselin. Geometric synthesis of planar 3-rpr parallel mechanisms for singularity-free workspace. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines and Mechatronics, Québec, Canada, 28-29 may 2009. |
[434] | Xianwen Kong and Clément Gosselin. Forward displacement analysis of a quadratic spherical parallel manipulator: the agile eye. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, San Diego, USA, 30 aug - 2 sep 2009. paper DETC2009/87467. |
[433] | Alexandre Lecours and Clément Gosselin. Reactionless two-degree-of-freedom planar parallel mechanism with variable payload. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, San Diego, USA, 30 aug - 2 sep 2009. paper DETC2009/86700. |
[432] | Alexandre Lecours and Clément Gosselin. Determination of the workspace of a 3-prpr parallel mechanism for human-robot collaboration. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines and Mechatronics, Québec, Canada, 28-29 may 2009. |
[431] | Mehdi Tale-Masouleh and Clément Gosselin. Singularity analysis of 5-rprrr parallel mechanisms via grassmann line geometry. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, San Diego, USA, 30 aug - 2 sep 2009. paper DETC2009/86261. |
[430] | Marc Arsenault and Clément M. Gosselin. Kinematic and static analysis of a 3-pups spatial tensegrity mechanism. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 44(1):162-179, 2009. |
[429] | Sébastien Briot, Ilian Bonev, Clément M. Gosselin, and Vigen Arakelian. Complete shaking force and shaking moment balancing of planar parallel manipulators with prismatic pairs. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K, Journal of Multi-body Dynamics, 223(K1):43-52, 2009. |
[428] | Marco Carricato and Clément M. Gosselin. A statically balanced gough/stewart-type platform: conception, design and simulation. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 1(3), 2009. paper 031005. |
[427] | Marco Carricato and Clément M. Gosselin. On the modeling of leg constraints in the dynamic analysis of gough/stewart-type platforms. ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 4(1), 2009. Paper 011008 (8 pages). |
[426] | Clément M. Gosselin. Compact dynamic models for the tripteron and quadrupteron parallel manipulators. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I, Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 223(I1):1-11, 2009. |
[425] | Clément M. Gosselin, Brian Moore, and Josef Schicho. Dynamic balancing of planar mechanisms using toric geometry. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 44(9):1346-1358, 2009. |
[424] | Qimi Jiang and Clément M. Gosselin. Evaluation and representation of the theoretical orientation workspace of the gough-stewart platform. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 1(2), 2009. paper 021004 (9 pages). |
[423] | Qimi Jiang and Clément M. Gosselin. Geometric optimization of the mssm gough-stewart platform. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 1(3), 2009. paper 031006. |
[422] | Qimi Jiang and Clément M. Gosselin. Determination of the maximal singularity-free orientation workspace for the gough-stewart platforms. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 44(6):1281-1293, 2009. |
[421] | Qimi Jiang and Clément M. Gosselin. Maximal singularity-free total orientation workspace of the gough-stewart platform. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 1(3), 2009. paper 034501. |
[420] | Qimi Jiang and Clément M. Gosselin. Geometric synthesis of planar 3-rpr parallel mechanisms for singularity-free workspace. Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 33(4):667-678, 2009. |
[419] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. Forward displacement analysis of a quadratic planar parallel manipulator: 3-rpr parallel manipulator with similar triangular platforms. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 1(2), 2009. paper 024501 (3 pages). |
[418] | Alexandre Lecours and Clément M. Gosselin. Determination of the workspace of a 3-prpr parallel mechanism for human-robot collaboration. Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 33(4):609-618, 2009. |
[417] | Shujun Li and Clément M. Gosselin. Stiffness analysis of 3-rpr planar parallel mechanism for stiffness control. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 16-19:786-790, 2009. |
[416] | Brian Moore, Josef Schicho, and Clément M. Gosselin. Determination of the complete set of shaking force and shaking moment balanced planar four-bar linkages. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 44(7):1338-1347, 2009. |
[415] | Cyril Quennouelle and Clément M. Gosselin. A quasi-static model for planar compliant parallel mechanisms. ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 1(2), 2009. paper 021012 (9 pages). |
[414] | Louis-Alexis Allen-Demers and Clément M. Gosselin. Kinematic design of an ejection-free underactuated anthropomorphic finger. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 2086-2091, Kobe, Japan, 12-17 may 2009. |
[413] | Philippe Cardou and Jorge Angeles. Angular-velocity estimation from the centripetal component of the rigid-body acceleration field. In Advances in Robot Kinematics, pages 353-360, Batz-sur-Mer, France, 22-26 jun 2008. |
[412] | Philippe Cardou, Damiano Pasini, and Jorge Angeles. Lumped elastodynamic model for mems: formulation and validation. IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 17(4):948-961, 2008. |
[411] | Philippe Cardou and Jorge Angeles. Angular velocity estimation from the angular acceleration matrix. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 75(2):021003-1-021003-8, 2008. |
[410] | Philippe Cardou and Jorge Angeles. Estimating the angular velocity of a rigid body moving in the plane from tangential and centripetal acceleration measurements. Multibody System Dynamics, 19(4):383-406, 2008. |
[409] | Martin Noël, Benoît D. Cantin, S. Lambert, Clément M. Gosselin, and Laurent J. Bouyer. An electrohydraulic actuated ankle orthosis to generate force fields and to test proprioceptive reflexes during human walking. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 16(4):390-399, 2008. |
[408] | Samuel Bouchard, Clément M. Gosselin, and Brian Moore. On the ability of a cable-driven robot to generate a prescribed set of wrenches. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, New-York, USA, 3-6 aug 2008. paper DETC2008-49518. |
[407] | Clément M. Gosselin. On the determination of the force distribution in overconstrained cable-driven parallel mechanisms. In Second International Workshop on Fundamental Issues and Future Research Directions for Parallel Mechanisms and Manipulators, Montpellier, France, 21-22 sep 2008. |
[406] | Clément M. Gosselin, Régis Poulin, and Denis Laurendeau. A planar parallel 3-dof cable-driven haptic interface. In 12th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WM-SCI '08, volume 3, pages 266-271, Orlando, USA, 29 jun - 2 jul 2008. |
[405] | Martin J.D. Otis, Charles du Tremblay, François-Michel De Rainville, Marielle Mokhtari, Denis Laurendeau, and Clément M. Gosselin. Hybrid control with multi-contact interactions for 6dof haptic foot platform on a cable-driven locomotion interface. In IEEE Haptics Symposium, pages 161-168, Reno, Nevada, USA, 13-14 mar 2008. |
[404] | Simon Perreault and Clément M. Gosselin. Cable-driven parallel mechanisms: application to a locomotion interface. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 130, 2008. Article 102301 (8 pages). |
[403] | Vincent Duchaine and Clément M. Gosselin. Investigation of human-robot interaction stability using lyapunov theory. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 2189-2194, Pasadena, USA, 19-23 may 2008. |
[402] | Marco Carricato and Clément Gosselin. A statically balanced gough/stewart-type platform. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, New-York, USA, 3-6 aug 2008. paper DETC2008-50000. |
[401] | Manfred Husty and Clément Gosselin. On the singularity surface of planar 3-rpr parallel mechanisms. In International Symposium on Multibody Systems and Mechatronics (MuSME 2008), San Juan, Argentina, 8-12 apr 2008. |
[400] | Qimi Jiang and Clément Gosselin. Evaluation and representation of the orientation workspace of the mssm gough-stewart platform. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, New-York, USA, 3-6 aug 2008. paper DETC2008-49089. |
[399] | Qimi Jiang and Clément Gosselin. Singularity-free orientation workspace of mssm. In 17th CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics, and Control (ROMANSY 2008), pages 427-434, Tokyo, Japan, 5-9 jul 2008. |
[398] | Xianwen Kong and Clément Gosselin. Forward displacement analysis of a quadratic 3t1r parallel manipulator: the 4-dof quadrupteron. In Second International Workshop on Fundamental Issues and Future Research Directions for Parallel Mechanisms and Manipulators, Montpellier, France, 21-22 sep 2008. |
[397] | Xianwen Kong and Clément Gosselin. Forward displacement analysis of a quadratic planar parallel manipulator: 3-rpr parallel manipulator with similar triangular platforms. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, New-York, USA, 3-6 aug 2008. paper DETC2008-49436. |
[396] | Shujun Li and Clément Gosselin. Stiffness characteristics of 3-rpr planar parallel mechanism based on cct stiffness matrix. In 8th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing, Tianjin, China, 23-26 sep 2008. |
[395] | Shujun Li and Clément Gosselin. Determination of singularity-free zones in the workspace of planar parallel mechanisms with revolute actuators. In 8th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing, Tianjin, China, 23-26 sep 2008. |
[394] | Brian Moore, Josef Schicho, and Clément Gosselin. Dynamic balancing of planar mechanisms using toric geometry. In 79th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Bremen, Germany, 31 mar - 4 apr 2008. |
[393] | Cyril Quennouelle and Clément Gosselin. Kinemato-static modelling of compliant parallel mechanisms: application to a 3-prrr mechanism, the tripteron. In Second International Workshop on Fundamental Issues and Future Research Directions for Parallel Mechanisms and Manipulators, Montpellier, France, 21-22 sep 2008. |
[392] | Cyril Quennouelle and Clément Gosselin. Stiffness matrix of compliant parallel mechanisms. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, New-York, USA, 3-6 aug 2008. paper DETC2008-49253. |
[391] | Cyril Quennouelle and Clément Gosselin. Instantaneous kinemato-static model of planar compliant parallel mechanisms. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, New-York, USA, 3-6 aug 2008. paper DETC2008-49265. |
[390] | Cyril Quennouelle and Clément Gosselin. Stiffness matrix of compliant parallel mechanisms. In 11th International Symposium on Advances in Robot Kinematics (ARK), pages 331-341, Batz-sur-Mer, France, 22-26 jun 2008. |
[389] | Mehdi Tale-Masouleh and Clément Gosselin. Kinematic analysis and singularity representation of 5-rprrr parallel mechanisms. In Second International Workshop on Fundamental Issues and Future Research Directions for Parallel Mechanisms and Manipulators, Montpellier, France, 21-22 sep 2008. |
[388] | Marc Arsenault and Clément M. Gosselin. Kinematic and static analysis of a 3-dof spatial modular tensegrity mechanism. The International Journal of Robotics Research, 27(8):951-966, 2008. |
[387] | Manfred Husty and Clément M. Gosselin. On the singularity surface of planar 3-rpr parallel mechanisms. Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Mechanisms, 36(4):411-425, 2008. |
[386] | Qimi Jiang and Clément M. Gosselin. Singularity equations of gough-stewart platforms using a minimal set of geometric parameters. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 130(11), 2008. Article 112303 (8 pages). |
[385] | Qimi Jiang and Clément M. Gosselin. The maximal singularity-free workspace of the gough-stewart platform for a given orientation. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 130(11), 2008. Article 112304 (8 pages). |
[384] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. Type synthesis of six-dof wrist-partitioned parallel manipulators. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 130:062302-1-062302-8, jun 2008. |
[383] | Clément M. Gosselin, Frédéric Pelletier, and Thierry Laliberté. An anthropomorphic underactuated robotic hand with 15 dofs and a single actuator. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 749-754, Pasadena, USA, 19-23 may 2008. |
[382] | Louis-Alexis Allen-Demers and Clément M. Gosselin. Kinematic design of mechanisms for the control of an oscillating wing. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Las Vegas, USA, 4-7 sep 2007. paper DETC2007-34580. |
[381] | Louis-Alexis Allen-Demers and Clément M. Gosselin. Kinematic architecture of a two-dof mechanism for the control of an oscillating wing. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics, St-Hubert, Québec, Canada, 31 may - 1 jun 2007. |
[380] | Philippe Cardou and Jorge Angeles. Simplectic architectures for true multi-axial accelerometers: a novel application of parallel robots. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Roma, Italy, 10-14 apr 2007. |
[379] | Philippe Cardou and Jorge Angeles. Singularity analysis of accelerometer strapdowns for the estimation of the acceleration field of a planar rigid-body motion. In 12th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Besançon, France, 18-21 jun 2007. |
[378] | Jean-Philippe Jobin, Sylvain Comtois, Clément M. Gosselin, Robert Faguy, and Denis Laurendeau. The castelet: a dynamically reconfigurable stage for performing arts. In ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2007), San Diego, CA, USA, 5-9 aug 2007. |
[377] | Thierry Laliberté and Clément M. Gosselin. Polyhedra with articulated faces. In 12th IFToMM World Congress, Besançon, France, 18-21 jun 2007. |
[376] | Philippe Tremblay and Clément M. Gosselin. Static balancing with a torsional elastic bar. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics, St-Hubert, Québec, Canada, 31 may - 1 jun 2007. |
[375] | Samuel Bouchard and Clément M. Gosselin. Workspace optimization of a very large cable-driven parallel mechanism for a radiotelescope application. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Las Vegas, USA, 4-7 sep 2007. paper DETC2007-34286. |
[374] | Jean-Daniel Deschênes, Philippe Lambert, Simon Perreault, Nicolas Martel-Brisson, Nathaniel Zoso, André Zaccarin, Patrick Hébert, Samuel Bouchard, and Clément M. Gosselin. A cable-driven parallel mechanism for capturing object appearance from multiple viewpoints. In 6th International Conference on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling, Montréal, Québec, Canada, aug 2007. |
[373] | Simon Perreault and Clément M. Gosselin. Cable-driven parallel mechanisms: application to a locomotion interface. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Las Vegas, USA, 4-7 sep 2007. paper DETC2007-35582. |
[372] | Vincent Duchaine and Clément M. Gosselin. General model of human-robot cooperation using a novel velocity based variable impedance control. In World Haptics Conference, Tsukuka, Japan, 22-24 mar 2007. |
[371] | Noémie Paradis and Clément M. Gosselin. Development of a sensing strategy for an assistive device using an isotropy generator. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics, St-Hubert, Québec, Canada, 31 may - 1 jun 2007. |
[370] | Vincent Duchaine, Samuel Bouchard, and Clément M. Gosselin. Computationally efficient predictive robot control. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 12(5):570-578, 2007. |
[369] | Clément M. Gosselin, Mehdi Tale-Masouleh, Vincent Duchaine, Pierre-Luc Richard, Simon Foucault, and Xianwen Kong. Parallel mechanisms of the multipteron family: kinematic architectures and benchmarking. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA07), Rome, Italy, 10-14 apr 2007. |
[368] | Qimi Jiang and Clément M. Gosselin. Singularity equations of gough-stewart platforms using a minimal set of geometric parameters. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Las Vegas, USA, 4-7 sep 2007. paper DETC2007-35371. |
[367] | Qimi Jiang and Clément M. Gosselin. Computation of the maximal singularity-free workspace of the mssm for a given orientation. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Las Vegas, USA, 4-7 sep 2007. paper DETC2007-35500. |
[366] | Qimi Jiang and Clément M. Gosselin. Geometric optimization of planar 3-rpr parallel mechanisms. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics, St-Hubert, Québec, Canada, 31 may - 1 jun 2007. |
[365] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. Type synthesis of 3-dof linear translational parallel manipulators. In 12th IFToMM World Congress, Besançon, France, 18-21 jun 2007. |
[364] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. Type synthesis of six-dof wrist-partitioned fully parallel manipulators. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Las Vegas, USA, 4-7 sep 2007. paper DETC2007-35531. |
[363] | Shujun Li and Clément M. Gosselin. Stiffness analysis of 3-rrr planar parallel mechanisms based on cct. In 12th IFToMM World Congress, Besançon, France, 18-21 jun 2007. |
[362] | Brian Moore, Josef Schicho, and Clément M. Gosselin. Determination of the complete set of statically balanced planar four-bar mechanisms. In Workshop on Computational Methods for Algebraic Spline Surfaces, Strobl, Austria, 10-14 sep 2007. |
[361] | Brian Moore, Josef Schicho, and Clément M. Gosselin. Static balancing of parallel mechanisms. In IMA Annual Program Year Workshop: Non-Linear Computational Geometry, Minneapolis, USA, 29 may - 2 jun 2007. |
[360] | Cyril Quennouelle and Clément M. Gosselin. Accurate models of planar compliant parallel mechanisms. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics, St-Hubert, Québec, Canada, 31 may - 1 jun 2007. |
[359] | C.-H. Shen, Clément M. Gosselin, and Frédéric Côté. A 3-dof translational parallel mechanism for reconfigurable automotive engine assembly pallets. In North American Manufacturing Research Conference, Lansing, MI, USA, 22-25 may 2007. |
[358] | Mehdi Tale-Masouleh and Clément M. Gosselin. Kinematic analysis and singularity representation of 5-rprrr parallel mechanisms. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Las Vegas, USA, 4-7 sep 2007. paper DETC2007-35281. |
[357] | Mehdi Tale-Masouleh and Clément M. Gosselin. Kinematic analysis of 5-dof parallel mechanisms (3t2r) with prismatic actuators based on identical limbs. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics, St-Hubert, Québec, Canada, 31 may - 1 jun 2007. |
[356] | Marc Arsenault and Clément M. Gosselin. Static balancing of tensegrity mechanisms. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 129(3):295-300, 2007. |
[355] | Qimi Jiang and Clément M. Gosselin. Geometric optimization of planar 3-rpr parallel mechanisms. Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 31(4):457-468, 2007. |
[354] | Xianwen Kong, Clément M. Gosselin, and Pierre-Luc Richard. Type synthesis of parallel mechanisms with multiple operation modes. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 129(6):595-601, 2007. |
[353] | Haidong Li, Clément M. Gosselin, and Marc J. Richard. Determination of the maximal singularity-free zones in the six-dimensional workspace of the general gough-stewart platform. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 42(4):497-511, 2007. |
[352] | Félix Majou, Clément M. Gosselin, Philippe Wenger, and Damien Chablat. Parametric stiffness analysis of the orthoglide. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 42(3):296-311, 2007. |
[351] | Pierre-Luc Richard, Clément M. Gosselin, and Xianwen Kong. Kinematic analysis and prototyping of a partially decoupled 4-dof 3t1r parallel manipulator. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 129(6):611-616, 2007. |
[350] | Mehdi Tale-Masouleh and Clément M. Gosselin. Determination of singularity-free zones in the workspace of planar 3-prr parallel mechanisms. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 129(6):649-652, 2007. |
[349] | Yangnian Wu and Clément M. Gosselin. On the dynamic balancing of multi-dof parallel mechanisms with multiple legs. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 129(2):234-238, 2007. |
[348] | Martin Noël, Benoît D. Cantin, Clément M. Gosselin, and Laurent J. Bouyer. An electrohydraulic actuated ankle orthosis to generate force fields and to test stretch reflexes during human walking. In Neuroscience 2006, Atlanta, Georgia, 14-18 oct 2006. |
[347] | Clément M. Gosselin. Adaptive robotic mechanical systems: A design paradigm. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 128(1):192-198, 2006. |
[346] | Clément M. Gosselin and Dany Gagnon-Lachance. Expandable polyhedral mechanisms based on polygonal 1-dof faces. Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 220(C7):1011-1018, 2006. invited paper. |
[345] | Samuel Bouchard and Clément M. Gosselin. Kinematic sensitivity of a very large cable-driven parallel mechanism. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Philadelphia, USA, 10-13 sep 2006. |
[344] | Marc Gouttefarde and Clément M. Gosselin. Analysis of the wrench-closure workspace of planar parallel cable-driven mechanisms. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 22(3):434-445, 2006. |
[343] | Marc Arsenault and Clément M. Gosselin. Kinematic and static analysis of a planar modular 2-dof tensegrity mechanism. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Orlando, Florida, 15-19 may 2006. |
[342] | Qimi Jiang and Clément M. Gosselin. The maximal singularity-free workspace of planar 3-rpr parallel mechanisms. In IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, Luoyang, Henan, China, 25-28 jun 2006. |
[341] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. Type synthesis of three-dof up-equivalent parallel manipulators using a virtual-chain approach. In 10th International Symposium on Advances in Robot Kinematics, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 25-29 jun 2006. |
[340] | Xianwen Kong, Clément M. Gosselin, and Pierre-Luc Richard. Type synthesis of parallel mechanisms with multiple operation modes. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Philadelphia, USA, 10-13 sep 2006. |
[339] | Pierre-Luc Richard, Clément M. Gosselin, and Xianwen Kong. Kinematic analysis and prototyping of a partially decoupled 4-dof 3t1r parallel manipulator. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Philadelphia, USA, 10-13 sep 2006. |
[338] | Marc Arsenault and Clément M. Gosselin. Kinematic, static and dynamic analysis of a planar 2-dof tensegrity mechanism. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 41(9):1072-1089, 2006. |
[337] | Marc Arsenault and Clément M. Gosselin. Kinematic, static and dynamic analysis of a spatial three-degree-of-freedom tensegrity mechanism. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 128(5):1061-1069, 2006. |
[336] | Ilian Bonev and Clément M. Gosselin. Analytical determination of the workspace of symmetrical spherical parallel mechanisms. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 22(5):1011-1017, 2006. |
[335] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. Discussion on: Kinematics of the translational 3-urc mechanism (by di gregorio). ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 128(4):812-813, 2006. |
[334] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. Type synthesis of 4-dof sp-equivalent parallel manipulators: a virtual-chain approach. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 41(11):1306-1319, 2006. |
[333] | Haidong Li, Clément M. Gosselin, and Marc J. Richard. Determination of maximal singularity-free zones in the workspace of planar three-degree-of-freedom parallel mechanisms. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 41(10):1157-1167, 2006. |
[332] | Haidong Li, Clément M. Gosselin, Marc J. Richard, and Boris Mayer-St-Onge. Analytic form of the six-dimensional singularity locus of the general gough-stewart platform. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 128(1):279-287, 2006. |
[331] | Éric Samson, Denis Laurendeau, Marc Parizeau, Sylvain Comtois, Jean-François Allan, and Clément M. Gosselin. The agile stereo pair for active vision. Machine Vision and Applications Journal, 17(1):32-50, 2006. |
[330] | Lionel Birglen and Clément M. Gosselin. Optimally unstable underactuated gripper: synthesis and applications. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Philadelphia, USA, 10-13 sep 2006. |
[329] | Éric Boudreault and Clément M. Gosselin. Design of sub-centimetre underactuated compliant grippers. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Philadelphia, USA, 10-13 sep 2006. |
[328] | Thierry Laliberté and Clément M. Gosselin. Development of a blanket manipulation tool for satellite servicing. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Philadelphia, USA, 10-13 sep 2006. |
[327] | Lionel Birglen and Clément M. Gosselin. Grasp-state plane analysis of two-phalanx underactuated fingers. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 41(7):807-822, 2006. |
[326] | Lionel Birglen and Clément M. Gosselin. Force analysis of connected differential mechanisms: Application to graspings. The International Journal of Robotics Research, 25(10):1033-1046, 2006. |
[325] | Lionel Birglen and Clément M. Gosselin. Geometric design of three-phalanx underactuated fingers. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 128(2):356-364, 2006. |
[324] | R. Angel, D. Eisenstein, S. Sivanandam, S.P. Worden, J. Burge, E. Borra, Clément M. Gosselin, O. Seddiki, P. Hickson, K.B. Ma, B. Foing, J.-L. Josset, and S. Thibault. A deep-field infrared observatory near the lunar pole. In International Lunar Conference, Toronto, Canada, 18-23 sep 2005. |
[323] | Clément M. Gosselin. Mechanically intelligent systems: Smart designs for high-performance robotics. In 20th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics (CANCAM), McGill University, Montréal, 30 may - 2 jun 2005. Keynote Lecture. |
[322] | Dimiter Zlatanov, Sunil Agrawal, and Clément M. Gosselin. Convex cones in screw spaces. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 40(6):710-727, 2005. |
[321] | Samuel Bouchard and Clément M. Gosselin. A simple control strategy for overconstrained parallel cable mechanisms. In 20th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics (CANCAM), McGill University, Montréal, 30 may - 2 jun 2005. |
[320] | Marc Gouttefarde and Clément M. Gosselin. Wrench-closure workspace of six-dof parallel mechanisms driven by 7 cables. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics, St-Hubert, Québec, 26-27 may 2005. |
[319] | Guillaume Barrette and Clément M. Gosselin. Determination of the dynamic workspace of cable-driven planar parallel mechanisms. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 127(2):242-248, 2005. |
[318] | Marc Gouttefarde and Clément M. Gosselin. Wrench-closure workspace of six-dof parallel mechanisms driven by 7 cables. Transactions of the CSME, 29(4):541-552, 2005. |
[317] | Mathieu Goulet and Clément M. Gosselin. Hexapode : un robot explorateur tout-terrain. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics, St-Hubert, Québec, 26-27 may 2005. |
[316] | Mathieu Goulet and Clément M. Gosselin. Hexapode, un robot explorateur tout-terrain. Transactions of the CSME, 29(4):553-568, 2005. |
[315] | Marc Arsenault and Clément M. Gosselin. Dynamic simulation of a spatial 3-dof tensegrity mechanism. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics, St-Hubert, Québec, 26-27 may 2005. |
[314] | Marc Arsenault and Clément M. Gosselin. Static balancing of tensegrity mechanisms. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Long Beach, CA, 24-28 sep 2005. |
[313] | Ilian Bonev and Clément M. Gosselin. Singularity loci of spherical parallel mechanisms. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Barcelona, Spain, 18-22 apr 2005. |
[312] | Frédéric Côté, Nicolas Bouchard, and Clément M. Gosselin. Conceptual design of a translational hybrid mechanism for agile manufacturing. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics, St-Hubert, Québec, 26-27 may 2005. |
[311] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. Type synthesis of 4-dof sp-equivalent parallel manipulators: a virtual-chain approach. In International Workshop on Computational Kinematics (CK2005), Cassino, Italy, 4-6 may 2005. |
[310] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. Type synthesis of 4-dof ps-equivalent parallel manipulators: A virtual-chain approach. In 20th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics (CANCAM), McGill University, Montréal, 30 may - 2 jun 2005. |
[309] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. A dependent-screw suppression approach to the singularity analysis of a 7-dof redundant manipulator: Canadarm2. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics, St-Hubert, Québec, 26-27 may 2005. |
[308] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. Mobility analysis of parallel mechanisms based on screw theory and the concept of equivalent serial kinematic chain. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Long Beach, CA, 24-28 sep 2005. |
[307] | C.-H. Shen and Clément M. Gosselin. Design options for a reconfigurable automotive engine assembly pallet. In ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exhibition (IMECE), Orlando, FL, 5-11 nov 2005. |
[306] | Marc Arsenault and Clément M. Gosselin. Dynamic simulation of a spatial 3-dof tensegrity mechanism. Transactions of the CSME, 29(4):491-505, 2005. |
[305] | Marc Arsenault and Clément M. Gosselin. Kinematic, static and dynamic analysis of a planar 1-dof tensegrity mechanism. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 127(6):1152-1160, 2005. |
[304] | Frédéric Côté, Nicolas Bouchard, and Clément M. Gosselin. Conceptual design of a translational hybrid mechanism for agile manufacturing. Transactions of the CSME, 29(4):519-526, 2005. |
[303] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. A dependent-screw suppression approach to the singularity analysis of a 7-dof redundant manipulator: Canadarm2. Transactions of the CSME, 29(4):593-604, 2005. |
[302] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. Comment on: R-cube, a decoupled parallel manipulator only with revolute joints (by li et al.). Mechanism and Machine Theory, 40(10):1207-1208, 2005. |
[301] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. Type synthesis of 3-dof ppr parallel manipulators based on screw theory and the concept of virtual chain. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 127(6):1113-1121, 2005. |
[300] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. Type synthesis of 5-dof parallel manipulators based on screw theory. Journal of Robotic Systems, 22(10):535-547, 2005. |
[299] | Maher G. Mohamed and Clément M. Gosselin. Design and analysis of kinematically redundant parallel manipulators with configurable platforms. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 21(3):277-287, 2005. |
[298] | Yangnian Wu and Clément M. Gosselin. Design of reactionless 3-dof and 6-dof parallel manipulators using parallelepiped mechanisms. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 21(5):821-833, 2005. |
[297] | Matteo Zoppi, Dimiter Zlatanov, and Clément M. Gosselin. Analytical kinematics models and special geometries of a class of 4-dof parallel mechanisms. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 21(6):1046-1055, 2005. |
[296] | Lionel Birglen and Clément M. Gosselin. Fuzzy enhanced control of an underactuated finger using tactile and position sensors. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Barcelona, Spain, 18-22 apr 2005. |
[295] | Philippe Cardou and Jorge Angeles. A comparative study of all-accelerometer strapdowns for uav ins. In NATO SET-092 Symposium on Advanced Sensor Payloads for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Lisbon, Portugal, 18-21 may 2004. |
[294] | Dany Gagnon-Lachance and Clément M. Gosselin. Expandable polyhedral mechanisms based on regular 1-dof faces. In 15th CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics and Control (Romansy 2004), Montréal, Canada, 14-18 jun 2004. |
[293] | Desheng Li, Li Cheng, and Clément M. Gosselin. The design of structural acoustic sensors for active control of sound radiation into enclosures. Smart Materials and Structures, 13:371-383, 2004. |
[292] | Desheng Li, Li Cheng, and Clément M. Gosselin. Optimal design of pzt actuators in active structural acoustic control of a cylindrical shell with a floor partition. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 269(3-5):569-588, 2004. |
[291] | Clément M. Gosselin and Jing Wang. Kinematic analysis and design of cable-driven spherical parallel mechanisms. In 15th CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics and Control (Romansy 2004), Montréal, Canada, 14-18 jun 2004. |
[290] | Marc Gouttefarde and Clément M. Gosselin. On the properties and the determination of the wrench-closure workspace of planar parallel cable-driven mechanisms. In ASME 28th Biennial Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Salt Lake City, USA, 28 sep - 2 oct 2004. paper DETC2004-57127. |
[289] | Marc Arsenault and Clément M. Gosselin. Development and analysis of a planar 1-dof tensegrity mechanism. In CCToMM Symposium of Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics (SM3), University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, 2004. |
[288] | Clément M. Gosselin, Xianwen Kong, Simon Foucault, and Ilian Bonev. A fully decoupled 3-dof translational parallel mechanism. In 4th Chemnitz Parallel Kinematics Seminar / 2004 Parallel Kinematic Machines International Conference, pages 595-610, Chemnitz, Germany, 20-21 apr 2004. |
[287] | Just Herder and Clément M. Gosselin. A counter-rotary counterweight (crcw) for light-weight dynamic balancing. In ASME 28th Biennial Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Salt Lake City, USA, 28 sep - 2 oct 2004. paper DETC2004-57246. |
[286] | Amélie Jeanneau, Just Herder, Thierry Laliberté, and Clément M. Gosselin. A compliant rolling contact joint and its application in a 3-dof planar parallel mechanism with kinematic analysis. In ASME 28th Biennial Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Salt Lake City, USA, 28 sep - 2 oct 2004. paper DETC2004-57264. |
[285] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. Type synthesis of analytic translational parallel manipulators. In 11th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, pages 1642-1646, Tianjin, China, apr 1-4 2004. |
[284] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. Type synthesis of 3-dof translational parallel manipulators based on screw theory and a virtual joint. In 15th CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics and Control (Romansy 2004), Montréal, Canada, 14-18 jun 2004. |
[283] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. Type synthesis of 3-dof ppr parallel manipulators based on screw theory and the concept of virtual chain. In ASME 28th Biennial Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Salt Lake City, USA, 28 sep - 2 oct 2004. paper DETC2004-57472. |
[282] | Haidong Li, Clément M. Gosselin, Marc J. Richard, and Boris Mayer-St-Onge. Analytic form of the six-dimensional singularity locus of the general gough-stewart platform. In ASME 28th Biennial Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Salt Lake City, USA, 28 sep - 2 oct 2004. paper DETC2004-57135. |
[281] | Félix Majou, Clément M. Gosselin, Philippe Wenger, and Damien Chablat. Parametric stiffness analysis of the orthoglide. In 35th International Symposium on Robotics (ISR), Paris-Nord, France, 23-26 mar 2004. |
[280] | Émilie Sabrié, Pascal Dufour, and Clément M. Gosselin. Kinematic and dynamic analysis of a new rotational motion simulator. In 15th CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics and Control (Romansy 2004), Montréal, Canada, 14-18 jun 2004. |
[279] | Jing Wang, Zhen Huang, and Clément M. Gosselin. Analysis of the kinematic characteristics of 3-dof mechanisms. In 11th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, pages 153-157, Tianjin, China, apr 1-4 2004. |
[278] | Yang Wang and Clément M. Gosselin. On the design of a 3-prrr spatial parallel compliant mechanism. In ASME 28th Biennial Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Salt Lake City, USA, 28 sep - 2 oct 2004. paper DETC2004-57140, best paper award competition finalist. |
[277] | Yangnian Wu and Clément M. Gosselin. Singularity analysis of a reactionless 6-dof parallel mechanism. In 11th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, pages 1982-1986, Tianjin, China, apr 1-4 2004. |
[276] | Yangnian Wu and Clément M. Gosselin. Dynamic balancing of multi-degree-of-freedom parallel mechanisms with multiple legs. In ASME 28th Biennial Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Salt Lake City, USA, 28 sep - 2 oct 2004. paper DETC2004-57494. |
[275] | Dimiter Zlatanov and Clément M. Gosselin. On the kinematic geometry of 3-rer parallel mechanisms. In 11th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, pages 226-230, Tianjin, China, apr 1-4 2004. |
[274] | Dimiter Zlatanov, Matteo Zoppi, and Clément M. Gosselin. Singularities and mobility of a class of 4-dof mechanisms. In 9th International Symposium on Advances in Robot Kinematics, Sestri Levante, Italy, 28 jun - 1 jul 2004. |
[273] | Matteo Zoppi, Dimiter Zlatanov, and Clément M. Gosselin. Kinematics equations of a class of 4-dof parallel wrists. In 9th International Symposium on Advances in Robot Kinematics, Sestri Levante, Italy, 28 jun - 1 jul 2004. |
[272] | Simon Foucault and Clément M. Gosselin. Synthesis, design and prototyping of a planar 3-dof reactionless parallel mechanism. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 126(6):992-999, 2004. |
[271] | Clément M. Gosselin, Frank Vollmer, Gabriel Côté, and Yangnian Wu. Synthesis and design of reactionless three-degree-of-freedom parallel mechanisms. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 20(2):191-199, 2004. |
[270] | Tian Huang, Z. Li, M. Li, D.G. Chetwynd, and Clément M. Gosselin. Conceptual design and dimensional synthesis of a novel 2-dof translational parallel robot for pick-and-place operations. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 126(3):449-455, 2004. |
[269] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. Type synthesis of 3-dof spherical parallel manipulators based on screw theory. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 126(1):101-108, 2004. |
[268] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. Type synthesis of 3-dof translational parallel manipulators based on screw theory. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 126(1):83-92, 2004. |
[267] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. Type synthesis of 3t1r 4-dof parallel manipulators based on screw theory. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 20(2):181-190, 2004. |
[266] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. Type synthesis of input-output decoupled parallel manipulators. Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 28(2A):185-196, 2004. |
[265] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. Type synthesis of three-degree-of-freedom spherical parallel manipulators. International Journal of Robotics Research, 23(3):237-245, 2004. |
[264] | Jing Wang and Clément M. Gosselin. Kinematic analysis and design of kinematically redundant parallel mechanisms. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 126(1):109-118, 2004. |
[263] | Jing Wang and Clément M. Gosselin. Passive mechanisms with multiple equilibrium configurations. Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 28(2A):139-151, 2004. |
[262] | Jing Wang and Clément M. Gosselin. Singularity loci of a special class of spherical 3-dof parallel mechanisms with prismatic actuators. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 126(2):319-326, 2004. |
[261] | Y. Wang, Tian Huang, and Clément M. Gosselin. Interpolation error prediction of a three-degree parallel kinematic machine. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 126(5):932-937, 2004. |
[260] | Yangnian Wu and Clément M. Gosselin. Synthesis of reactionless spatial 3-dof and 6-dof mechanisms without separate counter-rotations. International Journal of Robotics Research, 23(6):625-642, 2004. |
[259] | Lionel Birglen and Clément M. Gosselin. Optimal design of 2-phalanx underactuated fingers. In International Conference on Intelligent Manipulation and Grasping, pages 110-116, Genoa, Italy, 1-2 jul 2004. |
[258] | Éric Martin, Alexis Lussier-Desbiens, Thierry Laliberté, and Clément M. Gosselin. Sarah hand used for space operations on stvf robot. In International Conference on Intelligent Manipulation and Grasping, pages 279-284, Genoa, Italy, 1-2 jul 2004. |
[257] | Mathieu Myrand and Clément M. Gosselin. Dynamic simulation of an underactuated hand for space applications. In 15th CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics and Control (Romansy 2004), Montréal, Canada, 14-18 jun 2004. |
[256] | Lionel Birglen and Clément M. Gosselin. Kinetostatic analysis of underactuated fingers. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 20(2):211-221, 2004. |
[255] | Dimiter Zlatanov, Sunil Agrawal, and Clément M. Gosselin. Convex cones in screw spaces. In Special Celebratory Symposium in Honor of Professor Bernie Roth's 70th Birthday: Machine, Mechanisms and Robotics Research Conference, pages (16 pages on CD-ROM), 2003. |
[254] | Gabriel Côté and Clément M. Gosselin. Frontières d'équilibre de mécanismes à câbles comprenant des liens passifs. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics (SM3), St-Hubert, Canada, may 30 2003. |
[253] | Irina Constantinescu and Clément M. Gosselin. Présence de singularités dans un espace de travail déterminé. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics (SM3), St-Hubert, Canada, may 30 2003. |
[252] | Marise Gallant and Clément M. Gosselin. The effect of joint clearances on the singular configurations of planar parallel manipulators. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics (SM3), St-Hubert, Canada, may 30 2003. |
[251] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. Type synthesis of input-output decoupled parallel manipulators. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics (SM3), St-Hubert, Canada, may 30 2003. |
[250] | Jing Wang and Clément M. Gosselin. Passive mechanisms with multiple equilibrium configurations. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics (SM3), St-Hubert, Canada, may 30 2003. |
[249] | Yang Wang, Tian Huang, and Clément M. Gosselin. Interpolation algorithm and its error prediction of a tripod-based parallel kinematic machine. In ASME Design Automation Conference, Chicago, USA, sep 2-6 2003. paper DETC2003/DAC-48824. |
[248] | Ilian Bonev, Dimiter Zlatanov, and Clément M. Gosselin. Singularity analysis of 3-dof planar parallel mechanisms via screw theory. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 125(3):573-581, 2003. |
[247] | Tian Huang, Clément M. Gosselin, D.J. Whitehouse, and D.G. Chetwynd. Analytical approach for the optimal design of a type of spherical parallel manipulator using dexterous performance indices. Institution for Mechanical Engineers, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 217:447-455, 2003. |
[246] | Bruno Monsarrat and Clément M. Gosselin. Workspace analysis and optimal design of a 3-leg 6-dof parallel platform mechanism. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 19(6):954-966, 2003. |
[245] | Harold Schreiber and Clément M. Gosselin. Analyse et conception d'un manipulateur parallèle spatial à cinq degrés de liberté. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 38(6):535-548, 2003. |
[244] | Lionel Birglen and Clément M. Gosselin. On the force capability of underactuated fingers. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 1139-1145, Taipei, Taiwan, 14-19 sep 2003. |
[243] | Bruno Massa and Clément M. Gosselin. Design and development of an underactuated finger based on compliant mechanisms. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics (SM3), St-Hubert, Canada, 30 may 2003. |
[242] | Desheng Li, Li Cheng, and Clément M. Gosselin. Analysis of structural acoustic coupling of a cylindrical shell with an internal floor partition. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 250(5):903-921, 2002. |
[241] | Ilian Bonev and Clément M. Gosselin. Geometric algorithms for the computation of the constant orientation workspace and singularity surfaces of a special 6-rus parallel manipulator. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, number MECH-34257, Montréal, Canada, 29 sep - 2 oct 2002. |
[240] | Ilian A. Bonev, Dimiter Zlatanov, and Clément M. Gosselin. Advantages of the modified euler angles in the design and control of pkms. In 3rd Chemnitz Parallel Kinematics Seminar / 2002 Parallel Kinematic Machines International Conference, pages 171-187, Chemnitz, Germany, apr 23-25 2002. |
[239] | Simon Foucault and Clément M. Gosselin. On the development of a planar 3-dof reactionless parallel mechanism. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, number MECH-34316, Montréal, Canada, 29 sep - 2 oct 2002. |
[238] | Clément M. Gosselin and Yangnian Wu. On the development of reactionless spatial parallelepiped mechanisms. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, number MECH-34310, Montréal, Canada, 29 sep - 2 oct 2002. |
[237] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. A class of 3-dof translational parallel manipulators with linear i-o equations. In Workshop on Fundamental Issues and Future Research Directions for Parallel Mechanisms and Manipulators, pages 25-32, Quebec City, Canada, oct 2-4 2002. |
[236] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. Type synthesis of 3-dof spherical parallel manipulators based on screw theory. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, number MECH-34259, Montréal, Canada, 29 sep - 2 oct 2002. |
[235] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. Type synthesis of linear translational parallel manipulators. In Advances in Robot Kinematics (ARK), pages 453-462, Caldes de Malavella, Spain, 24-28 jun 2002. |
[234] | Bruno Monsarrat and Clément M. Gosselin. Jacobian matrix of general parallel and hybrid mechanisms with rigid and flexible links: a software oriented approach. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, number MECH-34252, Montréal, Canada, 29 sep - 2 oct 2002. |
[233] | Jing Wang and Clément M. Gosselin. Singularity analysis and design of kinematically redundant parallel mechanisms. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, number MECH-34312, Montréal, Canada, 29 sep - 2 oct 2002. |
[232] | Yangnian Wu and Clément M. Gosselin. Kinematic analysis of spatial 3-dof parallelepiped mechanisms. In Advances in Robot Kinematics (ARK), pages 423-432, Caldes de Malavella, Spain, 24-28 jun 2002. |
[231] | Yangnian Wu and Clément M. Gosselin. On the synthesis of a reactionless 6-dof parallel mechanism using planar four-bar linkages. In Workshop on Fundamental Issues and Future Research Directions for Parallel Mechanisms and Manipulators, pages 310-316, Quebec City, Canada, 2-4 oct 2002. |
[230] | Yangnian Wu and Clément M. Gosselin. On the synthesis of reactionless spatial 3-dof mechanisms using planar 4-bar linkages. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, number MECH-34311, Montréal, Canada, 29 sep - 2 oct 2002. |
[229] | Dimiter Zlatanov, Ilian Bonev, and Clément M. Gosselin. Constraint singularities as configuration space singularities. In Advances in Robot Kinematics (ARK), pages 183-192, Caldes de Malavella, Spain, 24-28 jun 2002. |
[228] | Dimiter Zlatanov, Ilian Bonev, and Clément M. Gosselin. Constraint singularities of parallel mechanisms. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages (6 pages on CD-ROM), Washington, may 2002. |
[227] | Lionel Birglen, Clément M. Gosselin, Nicolas Pouliot, Bruno Monsarrat, and Thierry Laliberté. Shade, a new 3-dof haptic device. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 18(2):166-175, 2002. |
[226] | Clément M. Gosselin and Jing Wang. Singularity loci of a special class of spherical 3-dof parallel mechanisms with revolute actuators. International Journal of Robotics Research, 21(7):649-659, 2002. |
[225] | Clément M. Gosselin and Dan Zhang. Stiffness analysis of parallel mechanisms using a lumped model. International Journal of Robotics and Automation, 17(1):17-27, 2002. |
[224] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. Generation and forward displacement analysis of rpr-pr-rpr analytic planar parallel manipulators. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 124(2):294-300, 2002. |
[223] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. Kinematics and singularity analysis of a novel type of 3-crr 3-dof translational parallel manipulator. The International Journal of Robotics Research, 21(9):791-798, 2002. |
[222] | Jiegao Wang, Clément M. Gosselin, and Li Cheng. Modeling and simulation of robotic systems with closed kinematic chains using the virtual spring approach. Multibody System Dynamics, 7(2):145-170, 2002. |
[221] | Dan Zhang and Clément M. Gosselin. Kinetostatic analysis and design optimization of the tricept machine tool family. ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 124(3):725-733, 2002. |
[220] | Dan Zhang and Clément M. Gosselin. Kinetostatic modeling of parallel mechanisms with a passive constraining leg and revolute actuators. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 37(6):599-617, 2002. |
[219] | Dan Zhang and Clément M. Gosselin. Parallel kinematic machine design with kinetostatic model. Robotica, 20:429-438, 2002. |
[218] | Bruno Rubinger, M. Brousseau, J. Lymer, Clément M. Gosselin, Thierry Laliberté, and Jean-Claude Piedboeuf. A novel robotic hand - sarah for operations on the international space station. In ASTRA 2002 Workshop, ESTEC, Noordwijk, 19-21 nov 2002. |
[217] | Laura Sie and Clément M. Gosselin. Dynamic simulation and optimization of under-actuated robotic fingers. In ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, number MECH-34220, Montréal, Canada, 29 sep - 2 oct 2002. |
[216] | Thierry Laliberté, Lionel Birglen, and Clément M. Gosselin. Underactuation in robotic grasping hands. Japanese Journal of Machine Intelligence and Robotic Control, Special Issue on Underactuated Robots, 4(3):77-87, 2002. |
[215] | Desheng-S. Li, Li Cheng, and Clément M. Gosselin. Sound radiation of cylindrical structures into enclosures: structural acoustic coupling analysis. In Eighth International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV8), Hong Kong, 2001. |
[214] | Thierry Laliberté, Clément M. Gosselin, and Gabriel Côté. A rapid prototyping framework for fast and cost-effective design of robotic mechanism prototypes. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, 8(3):43-52, 2001. |
[213] | Clément M. Gosselin and Guillaume Barrette. Kinematic analysis of planar parallel mechanisms actuated with cables. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics (SM3), page 2 pages, St-Hubert, Canada, 1 jun 2001. |
[212] | Jean-François Allan and Clément M. Gosselin. Analyse dynamique d'un nouveau manipulateur parallèle spatial à 3 degrés de liberté. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics (SM3), page 2 pages, St-Hubert, Canada, 1 jun 2001. |
[211] | Ilian A. Bonev and Clément M. Gosselin. Singularity loci of planar parallel manipulators with revolute joints. In Workshop on Computational Kinematics, pages 291-299, Seoul, 19-22 may 2001. |
[210] | Ilian A. Bonev, Dimiter Zlatanov, and Clément M. Gosselin. Singularity analysis of 3-dof planar parallel mechanisms. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics (SM3), page 2 pages, St-Hubert, Canada, 1 jun 2001. |
[209] | Gabriel Côté, Clément M. Gosselin, and Frank Vollmer. équilibrage dynamique et optimisation d'un mécanisme à quatre barres plan. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics (SM3), page 2 pages, St-Hubert, Canada, 1 jun 2001. |
[208] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. Generation of architecturally singular 6-sps parallel manipulators with linearly related planar platforms. In Workshop on Computational Kinematics, pages 67-75, Seoul, 19-22 may 2001. |
[207] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. Generation of parallel manipulators with three translational degrees of freedom based on screw theory. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics (SM3), page 2 pages, St-Hubert, Canada, 1 jun 2001. |
[206] | Jean-François Lévesque and Clément M. Gosselin. équilibrage statique d'un mécanisme parallèle sphérique à trois degrés de liberté. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics (SM3), page 2 pages, St-Hubert, Canada, 1 jun 2001. |
[205] | Boris Mayer-St-Onge and Clément M. Gosselin. Logiciel d'aide à la conception de plates-formes de mouvement d'architecture parallèle. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics (SM3), page 2 pages, St-Hubert, Canada, 1 jun 2001. |
[204] | Erika Ottaviano, Clément M. Gosselin, and Marco Ceccarelli. Singularity analysis of capaman: a three-degree-of-freedom spatial parallel manipulator. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages (8 pages on CD-ROM), Seoul, may 21-26 2001. |
[203] | Jing Wang and Clément M. Gosselin. Representation of the singularity loci of a special class of spherical 3-dof parallel manipulator with revolute actuators. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics (SM3), number 2 pages, St-Hubert, Canada, 1 jun 2001. |
[202] | Philippe Wenger, Clément M. Gosselin, and Damien Chablat. A comparative study of parallel kinematic architectures for machining applications. In Workshop on Computational Kinematics, pages 249-258, Seoul, 19-22 may 2001. |
[201] | Dimiter Zlatanov and Clément M. Gosselin. A new parallel architecture with four degrees of freedom. In Workshop on Computational Kinematics, pages 57-66, Seoul, 19-22 may 2001. |
[200] | Dimiter Zlatanov and Clément M. Gosselin. A family of new parallel architectures with four degrees of freedom. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics (SM3), page 2 pages, St-Hubert, Canada, 1 jun 2001. |
[199] | Roger Boudreau and Clément M. Gosselin. La synthèse d'une plate-forme de gough-stewart pour un espace atteignable prescrit. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 36(3):327-342, 2001. |
[198] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. Forward displacement analysis of third-class analytic 3-rpr planar parallel manipulators. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 36(9):1009-1018, 2001. |
[197] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. Generation and forward displacement analysis of two new classes of analytic 6-sps parallel manipulators. Journal of Robotic Systems, 18(6):295-304, 2001. |
[196] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. Uncertainty singularity analysis of parallel manipulators based on the instability analysis of structures. International Journal of Robotics Research, 20(11):847-856, 2001. |
[195] | Bruno Monsarrat and Clément M. Gosselin. Singularity analysis of a 3-leg 6-dof parallel platform mechanism based on the grassmann-line geometry. The International Journal of Robotics Research, 20(4):312-326, 2001. |
[194] | Dan Zhang and Clément M. Gosselin. Kinetostatic modeling of n-dof parallel mechanisms with a passive constraining leg and prismatic actuators. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 123(3):375-381, 2001. |
[193] | Thierry Laliberté and Clément M. Gosselin. Development of a three-dof underactuated finger. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics (SM3), page 2 pages, St-Hubert, Canada, 1 jun 2001. |
[192] | Thierry Laliberté and Clément M. Gosselin. Underactuation in space robotic hands. In Sixth International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space ISAIRAS: A New Space Odyssey, pages (8 pages on CD-ROM), Montréal, Canada, 18-21 jun 2001. |
[191] | Bruno Rubinger, Paul Fulford, Loris Gregoris, Clément M. Gosselin, and Thierry Laliberté. Self-adapting robotic auxiliary hand (sarah) for spdm operations on the international space station. In Sixth International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space ISAIRAS: A New Space Odyssey, pages (4 pages on CD-ROM), Canadian Space Agency, St-Hubert, Canada, 18-22 jun 2001. |
[190] | Laura Sie, Dimiter Zlatanov, and Clément M. Gosselin. Input-output kinematic and static equations for gripper fingers modeled as planar parallel manipulators. In CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics (SM3), page 2 pages, St-Hubert, Canada, 1 jun 2001. |
[189] | Serge Montambault and Clément M. Gosselin. Analysis of underactuated mechanical grippers. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 123(3):367-374, 2001. |
[188] | Thierry Laliberté, Clément M. Gosselin, and Gabriel Côté. Rapid prototyping of lower-pair, geared-pair and cam mechanisms. In ASME 26th Biennial Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, number MECH-14202, Baltimore, Usa, 10-13 sep 2000. |
[187] | Guillaume Barrette and Clément M. Gosselin. Kinematic analysis and design of planar parallel mechanisms actuated with cables. In ASME 26th Biennial Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, number MECH-14091, Baltimore, Usa, 10-13 sep 2000. |
[186] | Ilian A. Bonev and Clément M. Gosselin. A geometric algorithm for the computation of the constant-orientation workspace of 6-rus parallel manipulators. In ASME 26th Biennial Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, number MECH-14106, Baltimore, Usa, 10-13 sep 2000. |
[185] | Clément M. Gosselin and Dan Zhang. Kinetostatic modeling of n-dof parallel mechanisms with a constraining leg and prismatic actuators. In The 3rd International Symposium on Robotics, pages 71-76, Montréal, Canada, 14-17 may 2000. |
[184] | Clément M. Gosselin and Dan Zhang. Some implications for parallel kinematic machine design based on kinetostatic model. In ASME 26th Biennial Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, number MECH-14108, Baltimore, Usa, 10-13 sep 2000. |
[183] | Clément M. Gosselin and Dan Zhang. Kinetostatic modeling of n-dof parallel mechanisms with a passive constraining leg and a revolute actuators. In Year 2000 Parallel Kinematic Machines International Conference and Second European-American PKM Forum, pages 160-173, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 14-15 sep 2000. |
[182] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. Determination of the uniqueness domains of 3-rpr planar parallel manipulators with similar platforms. In ASME 26th Biennial Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, number MECH-14094, Baltimore, Usa, 10-13 sep 2000. |
[181] | Xianwen Kong and Clément M. Gosselin. Classification of 6-sps parallel manipulators according to their components. In ASME 26th Biennial Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, number MECH-14105, Baltimore, Usa, 10-13 sep 2000. |
[180] | Rémi Ricard and Clément M. Gosselin. On the development of reactionless parallel manipulators. In ASME 26th Biennial Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, number MECH-14098, Baltimore, Usa, 10-13 sep 2000. |
[179] | Jiegao Wang and Clément M. Gosselin. Parallel computational algorithms for the simulation of closed-loop robotic systems. In IEEE International Conference on Parallel Computing in Electrical Engineering, pages 34-38, Trois-Rivières, Canada, 27-30 aug 2000. |
[178] | Jiegao Wang, Clément M. Gosselin, and Li Cheng. Dynamic modeling and simulation of parallel mechanisms using the virtual spring approach. In ASME 26th Biennial Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, number MECH-14107, Baltimore, Usa, 10-13 sep 2000. |
[177] | Dan Zhang and Clément M. Gosselin. Kinetostatic analysis and optimization of the tricept machine tool family. In Year 2000 Parallel Kinematic Machines International Conference and Second European-American PKM Forum, pages 174-188, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 14-15 sep 2000. |
[176] | Juan A. Carretero, Ron P. Podhorodeski, Meyer A. Nahon, and Clément M. Gosselin. Kinematic analysis and optimization of a new three-degree-of-freedom spatial parallel manipulator. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 122(1):17-24, 2000. |
[175] | Imme Ebert-Uphoff, Clément M. Gosselin, and Thierry Laliberté. Static balancing of spatial parallel platform mechanisms - revisited. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 122(1):43-51, 2000. |
[174] | Clément M. Gosselin and Jiegao Wang. Static balancing of spatial six-degree-of-freedom parallel mechanisms with revolute actuators. Journal of Robotic Systems, 17(3):159-170, 2000. |
[173] | Tian Huang, J.S. Wang, Clément M. Gosselin, and D.J. Whitehouse. Kinematic synthesis of hexapods with specified orientation capability and well-conditioned dexterity. SME Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2(1):36-47, 2000. |
[172] | Boris Mayer St-Onge and Clément M. Gosselin. Singularity analysis and representation of the general gough-stewart platform. The International Journal of Robotics Research, 19(3):271-288, 2000. |
[171] | Jiegao Wang and Clément M. Gosselin. Static balancing of spatial four-degree-of-freedom parallel mechanisms. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 35(4):563-592, 2000. |
[170] | Thierry Laliberté, Clément M. Gosselin, and Gabriel Côté. Rapid prototyping of mechanisms. In IFToMM Tenth World Congress on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, pages 959-964, Oulu, Finland, 20-24 jun 1999. |
[169] | Roger Boudreau and Clément M. Gosselin. La synthèse d'une plate-forme de gough-stewart pour un espace atteignable prescrit. In IFToMM Tenth World Congress on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, pages 449-454, Oulu, Finland, 20-24 jun 1999. |
[168] | Imme Ebert-Uphoff and Clément M. Gosselin. Dynamic modeling of a class of spatial statically-balanced parallel platform mechanisms. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, volume 2, pages 881-888, Detroit, Usa, 10-15 may 1999. |
[167] | Clément M. Gosselin, Jean-François Allan, and Thierry Laliberté. A new architecture for a high-performance 6-dof parallel mechanism. In IFToMM Tenth World Congress on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, pages 1140-1145, Oulu, Finland, 20-24 jun 1999. |
[166] | Clément M. Gosselin, Jiegao Wang, Thierry Laliberté, and Imme Ebert-Uphoff. On the design of a statically balanced 6-dof parallel manipulator. In IFToMM Tenth World Congress on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, pages 1045-1050, Oulu, Finland, 20-24 jun 1999. |
[165] | Clément M. Gosselin, Philippe Wenger, and Laurent Pagès. Optimization of statically-balanced parallel machines. In The International Workshop on Parallel Kinematic Machines, Milan, Italy, 30 nov 1999. |
[164] | Tian Huang, J.S. Wang, Clément M. Gosselin, and D.J. Whitehouse. Closed-form solution to the orientation workspace of stewart parallel manipulators. In European-American first Forum on Parallel Kinematic Machines : Theoretical aspects and industrial requirements, pages 85-98, Milan, Italy, 31 aug - 1 sep 1999. |
[163] | Philippe Wenger, Clément M. Gosselin, and Bruno Maillé. A comparative study of serial and parallel mechanism topologies for machine tools. In The International Workshop on Parallel Kinematic Machines, Milan, Italy, 30 nov 1999. |
[162] | Roger Boudreau and Clément M. Gosselin. The synthesis of planar parallel manipulators with a genetic algorithm. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 121(4):533-537, 1999. |
[161] | Ernest D. Fasse and Clément M. Gosselin. Spatio-geometric impedance control of gough-stewart platforms. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 15(2):281-288, 1999. |
[160] | Clément M. Gosselin. Static balancing of spherical 3-dof parallel mechanisms and manipulators. The International Journal of Robotics Research, 18(8):819-829, 1999. |
[159] | Tian Huang, J.S. Wang, Clément M. Gosselin, and D.J. Whitehouse. Determination of closed form solution to the 2d orientation workspace of gough-stewart parallel manipulators. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 15(6):1121-1125, 1999. |
[158] | Thierry Laliberté, Clément M. Gosselin, and Martin Jean. Static balancing of 3-dof planar parallel mechanisms. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 4(4):363-377, 1999. |
[157] | Jiegao Wang and Clément M. Gosselin. Static balancing of spatial three-degree-of-freedom parallel mechanisms. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 34(3):437-452, 1999. |
[156] | Clément M. Gosselin, Thierry Laliberté, Bruno Rubinger, and Éric Gagnon. Sarah: A novel dextrous tool for space exploration. In Second Canadian Space Exploration Workshop, University of Calgary, Canada, 28-29 oct 1999. Vidéo. |
[155] | Martin Gagné and Clément M. Gosselin. Analyse et conception d'un manipulateur hybride spatial à 5 degrés de liberté pour des applications sous-marines. In Forum de la Société Canadienne de Génie Mécanique, Toronto, Canada, jun 1998. |
[154] | Martin Gagné and Clément M. Gosselin. Analysis and design of a spatial five-degree-of-freedom hybrid manipulator for underwater applications. In ASME Mechanisms Conference, Atlanta, USA, 13-16 sep 1998. paper MECH-5960. |
[153] | Pierre Payeur, Denis Laurendeau, and Clément M. Gosselin. Range data merging for probabilistic octree modeling of 3d workspaces. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 3071-3078, Leuven, Belgium, 16-20 may 1998. |
[152] | Pierre Payeur, Denis Laurendeau, and Clément M. Gosselin. Merging uncertainty into probabilistic octree models of 3-d perturbed workspaces. In Vision Interface (VI'98), pages 439-446, Vancouver, Canada, 17-20 jun 1998. |
[151] | Pierre Payeur, Clément M. Gosselin, and Denis Laurendeau. Application of 3-d probabilistic occupancy models for the potential field based collision free path planning. In IEEE IMDSP Workshop '98, pages 175-178, Alpbash, Austria, 12-16 jul 1998. |
[150] | Roger Boudreau and Clément M. Gosselin. La synthèse d'un manipulateur parallèle à trois degrés de liberté à l'aide d'un algorithme génétique. In Forum de la Société Canadienne de Génie Mécanique, Toronto, Canada, jun 1998. |
[149] | Roger Boudreau and Clément M. Gosselin. The synthesis of planar parallel manipulators with a genetic algorithm. In ASME Mechanisms Conference, Atlanta, USA, 13-16 sep 1998. paper MECH-5957. |
[148] | Roger Boudreau and Clément M. Gosselin. Conception d'une plate-forme de stewart-gough pour un espace atteignable prescrit. In 2ième colloque France-Acadie de génie mécanique, Moncton, Canada, 28-29 may 1998. |
[147] | Imme Ebert-Uphoff and Clément M. Gosselin. Kinematic study of a new type of spatial parallel platform mechanism. In ASME Mechanisms Conference, number MECH-5962, Atlanta, USA, 13-16 sep 1998. |
[146] | Imme Ebert-Uphoff, Clément M. Gosselin, and Thierry Laliberté. Static balancing of a class of spatial parallel platform mechanisms. In ASME Mechanisms Conference, number MECH-5964, Atlanta, USA, 13-16 sep 1998. |
[145] | Ernest D. Fasse and Clément M. Gosselin. On the spatial impedance control of gough-stewart platforms. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 1749-1754, Leuven, Belgium, 16-20 may 1998. |
[144] | Clément M. Gosselin and Jiegao Wang. On the design of gravity-compensated six-degree-of-freedom parallel mechanisms. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 2287-2294, Leuven, Belgium, 16-20 may 1998. |
[143] | Clément M. Gosselin and Jiegao Wang. On the design of statically balanced motion bases for flight simulators. In AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, pages 272-282, Boston, USA, aug 1998. |
[142] | Denis Laurendeau, Clément M. Gosselin, François Caron, Sylvain Comtois, Thierry Laliberté, François Blais, and Fréderic Loranger. A random access 3d/2d vision sensor. In Vision Interface (VI'98), pages 93-100, Vancouver, Canada, 17-20 jun 1998. |
[141] | Denis Laurendeau, Clément M. Gosselin, François Caron, Sylvain Comtois, Thierry Laliberté, François Blais, and Fréderic Loranger. Random access 3d/2d sensor for active vision. In IEEE IMDSP Workshop '98, pages 215-218, Alpbash, Austria, 12-16 jul 1998. |
[140] | Marc Leblond and Clément M. Gosselin. Static balancing of spatial and planar parallel manipulators with prismatic actuators. In ASME Mechanisms Conference, number MECH-5963, Atlanta, USA, 13-16 sep 1998. |
[139] | Jiegao Wang and Clément M. Gosselin. Static balancing of spatial six-degree-of-freedom parallel mechanisms with revolute actuators. In ASME Mechanisms Conference, number MECH-5961, Atlanta, USA, 13-16 sep 1998. |
[138] | Roger Boudreau, Salah Darenfed, and Clément M. Gosselin. On the computation of the direct kinematics of parallel manipulators using polynomial networks. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 28(2):213-220, 1998. |
[137] | Jean-Pierre Merlet, Clément M. Gosselin, and Nicolas Mouly. Workspaces of planar parallel manipulators. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 33(1):7-20, 1998. |
[136] | Nicolas Pouliot, Clément M. Gosselin, and Meyer Nahon. Motion simulation capabilities of three-degree-of-freedom flight simulators. AIAA Journal of Aircraft, 35(1):9-17, 1998. |
[135] | Rémi Ricard and Clément M. Gosselin. On the determination of the workspace of complex planar robotic manipulators. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 120(2):269-278, 1998. |
[134] | Jiegao Wang and Clément M. Gosselin. A new approach for the dynamic analysis of parallel manipulators. Multibody Systems Dynamics, 2(3):317-334, 1998. |
[133] | Jiegao Wang and Clément M. Gosselin. Kinematic analysis and singularity loci of spatial four-degree-of-freedom parallel manipulators using a vector formulation. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 120(4):555-558, 1998. |
[132] | Clément M. Gosselin, Thierry Laliberté, and Éric Dégoulange. Underactuated robotic hand. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Leuven, may 1998. |
[131] | Thierry Laliberté and Clément M. Gosselin. Simulation and design of underactuated mechanical hands. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 33(1):39-57, 1998. |
[130] | Pierre Payeur, Patrick Hébert, Denis Laurendeau, and Clément M. Gosselin. Probabilistic octree modeling of a 3d dynamic environment. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, volume 2, pages 1289-1296, Albuquerque, New-Mexico, 20-25 apr 1997. |
[129] | Clément M. Gosselin and Pierre Dupont. A computer simulation environment for the trajectory planning of complex robotic systems. International Journal of Robotics and Automation, 12(3):80-92, 1997. |
[128] | Juan A. Carretero, Meyer A. Nahon, Clément M. Gosselin, and Brad Buckham. Kinematic analysis of a three-degree-of-freedom parallel mechanism for telescope applications. In ASME Design Automation Conference, Sacramento, sep 1997. |
[127] | Martin Gagné and Clément M. Gosselin. Commande dynamique d'un manipulateur parallèle sphérique à 3 ddl. In Congrès Canadien de Mécanique Appliquée (CANCAM 97), volume 1, pages 503-504, Quebec City, Canada, jun 1997. |
[126] | Clément M. Gosselin. Note sur les conditions d'équilibrage de berkof et lowen. In Congrès Canadien de Mécanique Appliquée (CANCAM 97), volume 1, pages 497-498, Quebec City, Canada, jun 1997. |
[125] | Clément M. Gosselin. On the design of efficient parallel mechanisms. In Advanced Study Institute de l'OTAN: Computational Methods in Mechanics, volume 1, pages 157-186, St. Konstantin and Elena, Bulgaria, 16-28 jun 1997. Conférence plénière invitée (Keynote Lecture). |
[124] | Clément M. Gosselin, Éric St-Pierre, and Martin Gagné. Development and experimentation with the agile eye. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Albuquerque, USA, apr 1997. Vidéo (prix du meilleur vidéo de la conférence). |
[123] | Jiegao Wang and Clément M. Gosselin. Dynamic analysis of spatial four-degree-of-freedom parallel manipulators. In ASME Design Automation Conference, Sacramento, sep 1997. |
[122] | Clément M. Gosselin and Éric St-Pierre. Development and experimentation of a fast three-degree-of-freedom camera-orienting device. The International Journal of Robotics Research, 16(5):619-630, 1997. |
[121] | Clément M. Gosselin and Jiegao Wang. Singularity loci of planar parallel manipulators with revolute actuators. Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 21:377-398, 1997. |
[120] | Jiegao Wang and Clément M. Gosselin. Kinematic analysis and singularity representation of spatial five-degree-of-freedom parallel mechanisms. Journal of Robotic Systems, 14(12):851-869, 1997. |
[119] | Louise Cléroux and Clément M. Gosselin. Modeling and identification of non-geometric parameters in semi-flexible serial robotic mechanisms. In ASME Mechanisms Conference, Irvine, USA, 18-22 aug 1996. paper MECH-1563. |
[118] | Louise Cléroux and Clément M. Gosselin. Modeling and identification of non-geometric parameters in semi-flexible parallel robotic mechanisms. In Second World Automation Congress, Montpellier, France, 27-30 may 1996. |
[117] | Clément M. Gosselin and Annie Lamarre. On the geometric design of manipulators in the presence of manufacturing uncertainties. In CSME Forum, pages 27-31, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, 7-9 may 1996. |
[116] | Clément M. Gosselin, Sylvain Lemieux, and Jean-Pierre Merlet. A new architecture of planar three-degree-of-freedom parallel manipulator. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, volume 4, pages 3738-3743, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 22-28 apr 1996. |
[115] | Martin Jean and Clément M. Gosselin. équilibrage statique de manipulateurs parallèles plans. In CSME Forum, pages 53-60, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, 7-9 may 1996. |
[114] | Martin Jean and Clément M. Gosselin. Static balancing of planar parallel manipulators. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, volume 4, pages 3732-3737, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 22-28 apr 1996. |
[113] | Boris Mayer St-Onge and Clément M. Gosselin. Singularity analysis and representation of spatial six-degree-of-freedom parallel manipulators. In J. Lenarcic and V. Parenti-Castelli, editors, 5th International Symposium on Advances in Robot Kinematics (ARK), pages 389-398, Portoroz-Bernardin, Slovénie, 22-26 jun 1996. Kluwer. |
[112] | Jean-Pierre Merlet, Clément M. Gosselin, and Nicolas Mouly. Workspaces of planar parallel manipulators. In ROmanSy, pages 37-44, Udine, Italy, 1-4 jul 1996. |
[111] | Nicolas Pouliot, Meyer Nahon, and Clément M. Gosselin. Analysis and comparison of the motion simulation capabilities of three-degree-of-freedom flight simulators. In AIAA Flight Simulation Technologies, pages 37-47, San Diego, California, 29-31 jul 1996. |
[110] | Jiegao Wang and Clément M. Gosselin. Kinematic analysis and singularity loci of spatial four-degree-of-freedom parallel manipulators. In ASME Mechanisms Conference, Irvine, USA, 18-22 aug 1996. paper MECH-1006. |
[109] | Clément M. Gosselin. Kinematische und statische analyse eines ebenen, parallelen manipulators mit dem freiheitsgrad zwei. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 31(2):149-160, 1996. |
[108] | Clément M. Gosselin. Parallel computational algorithms for the kinematics and dynamics of planar and spatial parallel manipulators. ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 118(1):22-28, 1996. |
[107] | Clément M. Gosselin and Martin Jean. Determination of the workspace of planar parallel manipulators with joint limits. Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 17(3):129-138, 1996. |
[106] | Clément M. Gosselin, Éric St-Pierre, and Martin Gagné. On the development of the agile eye: mechanical design, control issues and experimentation. IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Magazine, 3(4):29-37, 1996. |
[105] | Éric Dégoulange and Clément M. Gosselin. Preliminary developments of a control scheme for a 11-dof robust underactuated articulated hand. In Second World Automation Congress, Montpellier, France, 27-30 may 1996. |
[104] | Clément M. Gosselin. Analysis and synthesis of underactuated force generating mechanisms. In ASME Mechanisms Conference, Irvine, USA, 18-22 aug 1996. paper MECH-1564. |
[103] | Thierry Laliberté and Clément M. Gosselin. Simulation and design of two-degree-of-freedom underactuated mechanical fingers. In ASME Mechanisms Conference, Irvine, USA, 18-22 aug 1996. paper MECH-1562. |
[102] | Serge Montambault and Clément M. Gosselin. Kinematic modeling of underactuated mechanical grippers. In ASME Mechanisms Conference, Irvine, USA, 18-22 aug 1996. paper MECH-1007. |
[101] | Pierre Payeur, Clément M. Gosselin, and Denis Laurendeau. Analysis of path planning strategies in dynamic computer vision guided teleoperation. In SPIE Photonic's East 95: International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Advanced Manufacturing, volume 2590, pages 74-85, Philadelphia, PA, 22-26 oct 1995. |
[100] | Louis Perreault and Clément M. Gosselin. Inverse kinematics of serial redundant manipulators with locked articulations. In ASME Design Automation Conference, volume DE-82, pages 985-992, Boston, sep 1995. |
[99] | J. Tremblay, Thierry Laliberté, R. Houde, Michel Pelletier, Clément M. Gosselin, and Denis Laurendeau. A computer vision-guided telerobotic system for electrical power lines maintenance. In SPIE Photonic's East 95: International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Advanced Manufacturing, volume 2590, pages 86-94, Philadelphia, PA, 22-26 oct 1995. |
[98] | Jean Coté, Clément M. Gosselin, and Denis Laurendeau. Generalized inverse kinematic functions for the puma manipulators. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 11(3):404-408, 1995. |
[97] | Pierre Payeur, Hoang Le-Huy, and Clément M. Gosselin. Trajectory prediction for moving objects using artificial neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 42(2):147-158, 1995. |
[96] | Marc J. Richard, Isaac Bindzi, and Clément M. Gosselin. A topological approach to the dynamic simulation of articulated machinery. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 117(1):199-202, 1995. |
[95] | Paul Freedman, Evangelos Papadopoulos, Denis Poussart, Clément M. Gosselin, and J. Courteau. Atref: Application des technologies robotiques aux équipements forestiers. In Comptes-rendus du congrès canadien en génie électrique, volume 2, pages 1140-1143, Montréal, Canada, 5-8 sep 1995. |
[94] | Clément M. Gosselin and Martin Gagné. A closed-form solution for the direct kinematics of a special class of spherical three-degree-of-freedom parallel manipulators. In Workshop on Computational Kinematics, pages 231-240. INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, France, 4-6 sep 1995. |
[93] | Clément M. Gosselin and Martin Gagné. Dynamic models for spherical parallel manipulators. In Ninth World Congress on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, pages 2032-2036, Milano, Italy, 29 aug - 2 sep 1995. |
[92] | Clément M. Gosselin and Jiegao Wang. Singularity loci of planar parallel manipulators. In Ninth World Congress on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, pages 1982-1986, Milano, Italy, 29 aug - 2 sep 1995. |
[91] | Clément M. Gosselin, Rémi Ricard, and Meyer Nahon. A comparison of architectures of parallel mechanisms for workspace and kinematic properties. In ASME Design Automation Conference, volume DE-82, pages 951-958, Boston, sep 1995. |
[90] | Pascal Lê-Huu and Clément M. Gosselin. A new algorithm for the determination of the workspace of complex planar kinematic chains. In ASME Design Automation Conference, volume DE-82, pages 853-860, Boston, sep 1995. |
[89] | Meyer Nahon, Rémi Ricard, and Clément M. Gosselin. A comparison of flight simulator motion-base architectures. In Confederation of European Aerospace Societies Symposium on Simulation Technologies, pages MSy02: 1-16, Delft, Pays-Bas, 30 oct - 1 nov 1995. |
[88] | Clément M. Gosselin, Louis Perreault, and Charles Vaillancourt. Simulation and computer-aided kinematic design of three-degree-of-freedom spherical parallel manipulator. Journal of Robotic Systems, 12(12):857-869, 1995. |
[87] | Jaouad Sefrioui and Clément M. Gosselin. On the quadratic nature of the singularity curves of planar three-degree-of-freedom parallel manipulators. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 30(4):533-551, 1995. |
[86] | Sophie Bernier, Denis Rancourt, and Clément M. Gosselin. Control of finger stiffness in hand prostheses. In MEC'95 Myoelectric Controls Powered Prosthesis Symposium, Fredericton, Nouveau Brunswick, 14-17 aug 1995. |
[85] | François Routhier, Denis Rancourt, and Clément M. Gosselin. Design of a hand prosthesis based on kinematics principles. In MEC'95 Myoelectric Controls Powered Prosthesis Symposium, Fredericton, Nouveau Brunswick, 14-17 aug 1995. |
[84] | Thierry Laliberté and Clément M. Gosselin. Efficient algorithms for the trajectory planning of redundant manipulators with obstacle avoidance. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 2044-2049, San Diego, may 1994. |
[83] | Denis Laurendeau, Jean Coté, and Clément M. Gosselin. A simulation workcell for the study of the tracking/catching of a moving object with a robot manipulator. In 8th CASI Conference on Astronautics, pages 401-410, Ottawa, Canada, 8-10 nov 1994. |
[82] | Pierre Payeur, Hoang Le-Huy, and Clément M. Gosselin. Robot path planning using neural networks and fuzzy logic. In Twentieth International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation, pages 800-805, Bologna, Italy, 5-9 sep 1994. |
[81] | Louis Perreault and Clément M. Gosselin. Solution robuste du problème géométrique inverse d'un manipulateur redondant en présence de blocage des articulations. In 12ème Colloque sur les Applications Techniques de la Mécanique, pages 263-272, Montréal, jun 1994. |
[80] | Charles Vaillancourt and Clément M. Gosselin. Compensation of the structural flexibility of the ssrms by the spdm. In IARP Second Workshop on Robotics in Space, Montréal, jul 1994. |
[79] | Benoit Ricard, Clément M. Gosselin, Hoang Le-Huy, and Denis Poussart. On the development of a high-performance robot controller with an open architecture for research applications. Laboratory Robotics and Automation, 6:273-282, 1994. |
[78] | Roger Boudreau, Salah Darenfed, and Clément M. Gosselin. Efficient computation of the direct kinematics of parallel manipulators using polynomial networks. In ASME Mechanisms Conference, volume DE-72, pages 263-270, Minneapolis, sep 1994. |
[77] | Roger Boudreau, Salah Darenfed, and Clément M. Gosselin. L'application des réseaux polynomiaux auto-organisés pour la résolution de la cinématique d'un manipulateur parallèle plan. In 12ème Colloque sur les Applications Techniques de la Mécanique, pages 53-62, Montréal, jun 1994. |
[76] | Caroline Cloutier, Clément M. Gosselin, and Denis Rancourt. étude et représentation de l'espace atteignable des manipulateurs parallèles sphériques à deux degrés de liberté. In 12ème Colloque sur les Applications Techniques de la Mécanique, pages 73-82, Montréal, jun 1994. |
[75] | Clément M. Gosselin and Jean-François Hamel. Development and experimentation of a fast three-degree-of-freedom spherical parallel manipulator. In International Symposium on Robotics and Advanced Manufacturing, volume 2, pages 229-234, Maui, aug 1994. |
[74] | Clément M. Gosselin and Jean-François Hamel. The agile eye: a high-performance three-degree-of-freedom camera-orienting device. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 781-786, San Diego, 1994. |
[73] | Clément M. Gosselin, Caroline Cloutier, and Denis Rancourt. Kinematic analysis of spherical two-degree-of-freedom parallel manipulators. In ASME Mechanisms Conference, volume DE-72, pages 255-262, Minneapolis, sep 1994. |
[72] | Clément M. Gosselin, Louis Perreault, and Charles Vaillancourt. Smaps: A computer-aided design package for the analysis and optimization of spherical parallel manipulators. In International Symposium on Robotics and Advanced Manufacturing, volume 1, pages 115-120, Maui, aug 1994. |
[71] | Clément M. Gosselin, Jean-Francois Hamel, Denis Laurendeau, and Éric St-Pierre. A high-performance mechanism for a high-speed camera-orienting device. In ISATA International Dedicated Conference on Robotics, Motion and Machine Vision, pages 183-190, Aachen, Germany, 31 oct - 4 nov 1994. |
[70] | Pascal Lê-Huu and Clément M. Gosselin. Conception assistée par ordinateur d'architectures mécaniques robotiques. In 12ème Colloque sur les Applications Techniques de la Mécanique, pages 83-92, Montréal, jun 1994. |
[69] | Rémi Ricard and Clément M. Gosselin. On the determination of the workspace of complex planar robotic manipulators. In ASME Mechanisms Conference, volume DE-72, pages 133-140, Minneapolis, sep 1994. |
[68] | Clément M. Gosselin and Jean-Pierre Merlet. On the direct kinematics of planar parallel manipulators: special architectures and number of solution. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 29(8):1083-1097, 1994. |
[67] | Clément M. Gosselin, Jaouad Sefrioui, and Marc J. Richard. On the direct kinematics of spherical three-degree-of-freedom parallel manipulators with a coplanar platform. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 116(2):587-593, 1994. |
[66] | Clément M. Gosselin, Jaouad Sefrioui, and Marc J. Richard. On the direct kinematics of spherical three-degree-of-freedom parallel manipulators of general architecture. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 116(2):594-598, 1994. |
[65] | Jaouad Sefrioui and Clément M. Gosselin. étude et représentation des lieux de singularité des manipulateurs parallèles sphériques à trois degrés de liberté avec actionneurs prismatiques. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 29(4):559-579, 1994. |
[64] | Benyoucef Imçaoudene and Clément M. Gosselin. Application of dexterity indices to spatial articulated hands. In 4th International Workshop on Advances in Robot Kinematics, pages 201-208, Ljubljana, Slovénie, jul 1994. |
[63] | Benyoucef Imçaoudene and Clément M. Gosselin. Analyse cinématique de préhenseurs à chaîne cinématique arborescente. In Forum de la Société Canadienne de Génie Mécanique, volume 2, pages 598-607, Montréal, jun 1994. |
[62] | Serge Montambault and Clément M. Gosselin. Conception cinématique de préhenseurs sous-actionnés. In 12ème Colloque sur les Applications Techniques de la Mécanique, pages 253-261, Montréal, jun 1994. |
[61] | Marie-Claude Côté, Michel Guillot, and Clément M. Gosselin. Neuromonitoring of robotic handling and assembly operations. In ASME Winter Annual Meeting, volume PED-23, November 1993. |
[60] | Clément M. Gosselin, Louis Perreault, and Charles Vaillancourt. Simulation and computer-aided design of spherical parallel manipulators. In IEEE OCEANS '93 Conference, volume 2, pages 301-306, Victoria, October 1993. |
[59] | Clément M. Gosselin, Serge Montambault, and Claude J. Gosselin. Manus Colobi: Preliminary results on the design of a mechanical hand for industrial applications. In ASME Design Automation Conference, volume 1, pages 585-592, Albuquerque, September 1993. |
[58] | Clément M. Gosselin and Sylvain Lemieux. APPréCIE: A computer package for the simulation and design of mechanical grippers. In ASME Design Automation Conference, volume 1, pages 577-583, Albuquerque, September 1993. |
[57] | Rémi Ricard and Clément M. Gosselin. On the development of hybrid planar manipulators. In 36th IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Detroit, August 1993. |
[56] | Benyoucef Imçaoudene and Clément M. Gosselin. Conception optimale de préhenseurs articulés. In Congrès Canadien de Mécanique Appliquée (CANCAM), pages 75-76, Kingston, June 1993. |
[55] | Clément M. Gosselin and Denis Faucher. Simulateur dynamique pour manipulateurs à topologie variable. In Congrès Canadien de Mécanique Appliquée (CANCAM), pages 93-94, Kingston, June 1993. |
[54] | Clément M. Gosselin. Parallel computational algorithms for the kinematics and dynamics of parallel manipulators. In International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 883-888, Atlanta, May 1993. |
[53] | Jaouad Sefrioui and Clément M. Gosselin. Problème géométrique direct et lieu de singularité des manipulateurs parallèles plans à trois degrés de liberté. In Premier Congrès National de Mécanique du Maroc, Tome 1, pages 493-500, Rabat, April 1993. |
[52] | Jean Coté, Clément M. Gosselin, and Denis Laurendeau. Tracking a moving object with a 6-dof manipulator. In SPIE, Applications of AI, Machine Vision and Robotics, volume 1964, pages 300-311, Orlando, April 1993. |
[51] | Clément M. Gosselin and Éric Lavoie. On the kinematic design of spherical three-degree-of-freedom parallel manipulators. The International Journal of Robotics Research, 12(4):394-402, 1993. |
[50] | Clément M. Gosselin and Éric Lavoie. Conception cinématique de manipulateurs parallèles sphériques isotropes à 3 degrés de liberté. Transactions de la Société Canadienne de Génie Mécanique, 17(4A):527-540, 1993. |
[49] | Marc J. Richard, Isaac Bindzi, and Clément M. Gosselin. Modélisation dynamique des systèmes holonomes par la méthode des réseaux vectoriels. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 28(3):283-299, 1993. |
[48] | Marc J. Richard and Clément M. Gosselin. A survey of simulation programs for the analysis of mechanical systems. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 35:103-121, 1993. |
[47] | Clément M. Gosselin, Jean Coté, and Denis Laurendeau. Inverse kinematic functions for approach and catching operations. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 23(3):783-791, 1993. |
[46] | Clément M. Gosselin and A. Hadj-Messaoud. Automatic planning of smooth trajectories for pick-and-place operations. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 115(3):450-456, 1993. |
[45] | Marc J. Richard, Isaac Bindzi, and Clément M. Gosselin. Dynamic analysis of manipulators by the vector-network method. Journal of Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 10(6):429-436, 1993. |
[44] | Clément M. Gosselin and Jaouad Sefrioui. Graphical representation of the singularity loci of planar parallel manipulators. In 4th International Symposium on Robotics and Automation (ISRAM), pages 333-338, Santa Fe, November 1992. |
[43] | Michel Guillot, Marie-Claude Côté, and Clément M. Gosselin. Artificial neural networks for on-line condition identification of robotic handling and assembly operations. In Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering (ANNIE 92), St-Louis, November 1992. |
[42] | Isaac Bindzi, Marc J. Richard, and Clément M. Gosselin. Dynamic analysis of manipulators by the vector-network method. In IEEE TENCON, Robotics in Process Automation, Melbourne, Australie, November 1992. |
[41] | P. Billot, Clément M. Gosselin, and Michel Guillot. Inverse dynamics of parallel manipulators using a neural network. In Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering (ANNIE 92), pages 675-680, St-Louis, November 1992. |
[40] | Clément M. Gosselin and Jaouad Sefrioui. Determination of the singularity loci of spherical three-degree-of-freedom parallel manipulators. In 22nd ASME Mechanisms Conference, volume 1, pages 329-336, Phoenix, September 1992. |
[39] | Clément M. Gosselin, Jaouad Sefrioui, and Marc J. Richard. On the direct kinematics of a class of spherical three-degree-of-freedom parallel manipulators. In 22nd ASME Mechanisms Conference, volume 1, pages 13-19, Phoenix, September 1992. |
[38] | Clément M. Gosselin, Jaouad Sefrioui, and Marc J. Richard. On the direct kinematics of general spherical three-degree-of-freedom parallel manipulators. In 22nd ASME Mechanisms Conference, volume 1, pages 7-11, Phoenix, September 1992. |
[37] | Clément M. Gosselin, Éric Lavoie, and Pierre Toutant. An efficient algorithm for the graphical representation of the three-dimensional workspace of parallel manipulators. In 22nd ASME Mechanisms Conference, volume 1, pages 323-328, Phoenix, September 1992. |
[36] | Clément M. Gosselin and Éric Lavoie. Spherical parallel manipulators: dexterity and isotropy. In 3rd International Workshop on Advances in Robot Kinematics, pages 143-149, Ferrara, Italie, September 1992. |
[35] | Jaouad Sefrioui, Clément M. Gosselin, and Marc J. Richard. Modes d'assemblage d'un manipulateur parallèle sphérique à 3 d.d.l. avec actionneurs prismatiques. In Forum de la Société Canadienne de Génie Mécanique, pages 454-459, Montréal, June 1992. |
[34] | Michel Guillot, Clément M. Gosselin, G. Michaud, and Sibéri Traoré. A new approach for the simulation of robotic applications. In Conférence Canadienne et Exposition sur l'Automatisation Industrielle, Montréal, June 1992. |
[33] | Clément M. Gosselin and Éric Lavoie. Les manipulateurs parallèles sphériques isotropes à trois degrés de liberté. In Forum de la Société Canadienne de Génie Mécanique, pages 484-489, Montréal, June 1992. |
[32] | Marc J. Richard, A. El Chebair, and Clément M. Gosselin. Simulation des robots manipulateurs. In Conférence Canadienne et Exposition sur l'Automatisation Industrielle, Montréal, June 1992. |
[31] | Jean Coté, Clément M. Gosselin, and Denis Laurendeau. A graphic simulator for the study of robotic tracking and catching operations. In ASME International Computers in Engineering Conference, volume 1, pages 141-146, San Francisco, 1992. |
[30] | Clément M. Gosselin, Jaouad Sefrioui, and Marc J. Richard. Solutions polynomiales au problème de la cinématique directe des manipulateurs parallèles plans à trois degrés de liberté. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 27(2):107-119, 1992. |
[29] | Jaouad Sefrioui and Clément M. Gosselin. Singularity analysis and representation of planar parallel manipulators. Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 10:209-224, 1992. |
[28] | Clément M. Gosselin. The optimum design of robotic manipulators using dexterity indices. Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 9(4):213-226, 1992. |
[27] | Clément M. Gosselin, Simon Laverdière, and Jean Côté. SIMPA: A graphical simulator for the CAD of parallel manipulators. In ASME International Computers in Engineering Conference, volume 1, pages 465-471, San Francisco, 1992. |
[26] | Clément M. Gosselin and A. Hadj-Messaoud. Représentation analytique de l'espace de travail articulaire d'un manipulateur plan dans un environnement encombré. In Congrès Canadien en Génie Électrique et en Informatique, pages 65.3.1-65.3.4, Québec, September 1991. |
[25] | Clément M. Gosselin and M. Karray. Stratégie de mouvement d'un mobile de forme quasi-polygonale dans une scène polygonale. In Congrès Canadien en Génie Électrique et en Informatique, pages 65.2.1-65.2.4, Québec, September 1991. |
[24] | Michel Guillot, Clément M. Gosselin, and A. El Ouafi. Applicabilité des réseaux neuronaux pour l'identification en temps réel des défaillances de l'outillage dans les procédés de fabrication. In Congrès Canadien en Génie Électrique et en Informatique, pages 1.1.1-1.1.4, Québec, September 1991. |
[23] | S. Mathur, Jorge Angeles, and Clément M. Gosselin. Determination of the configurations of a four-bar linkage farthest from an obstacle: applications to robotic trajectory planning. In 8th World Congress on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, pages 915-918, Prague, Czechoslovakia, August 1991. |
[22] | Clément M. Gosselin and A. Hadj-Messaoud. Génération automatique de trajectoires pour des opérations de transfert. In 13e Congrès Canadien de Mécanique Appliquée, pages 698-699, Winnipeg, June 1991. |
[21] | Clément M. Gosselin and Jaouad Sefrioui. Solution polynomiale au problème géométrique direct d'un manipulateur parallèle sphérique. In 13e Congrès Canadien de Mécanique Appliquée, pages 670-671, Winnipeg, June 1991. |
[20] | Clément M. Gosselin and Jaouad Sefrioui. Polynomial solutions for the direct kinematic problem of planar three-degree-of-freedom parallel manipulators. In 5th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, pages 1124-1129, Pise, June 1991. |
[19] | Jean-Pierre Merlet and Clément M. Gosselin. Nouvelle architecture pour un manipulateur parallèle à six degrés de liberté. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 26(1):77-90, 1991. |
[18] | Clément M. Gosselin and Michel Guillot. The synthesis of manipulators with prescribed workspace. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 113:451-455, 1991. |
[17] | Clément M. Gosselin and Jorge Angeles. A global performance index for the kinematic optimization of robotic manipulators. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 113(3):220-226, 1991. |
[16] | Clément M. Gosselin. Optimum kinematic design of planar three-degree-of-freedom dextrous manipulators. In 3rd International Symposium on Robotics and Manufacturing, pages 35-42, Vancouver, July 1990. |
[15] | Clément M. Gosselin. Dexterity indices for planar and spatial robotic manipulators. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 650-655, Cincinnati, May 1990. |
[14] | Clément M. Gosselin and Jorge Angeles. Singularity analysis of closed-loop kinematic chains. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 6(3):281-290, 1990. |
[13] | Clément M. Gosselin. Stiffness mapping for parallel manipulators. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 6(3):377-382, 1990. |
[12] | Jorge Angeles, K. Anderson, and Clément M. Gosselin. Constrained design optimization using orthogonal decomposition. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 112(2):255-256, 1990. |
[11] | Clément M. Gosselin and Jorge Angeles. Kinematic inversion of parallel manipulators in the presence of incompletely specified tasks. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 112(4):494-500, 1990. |
[10] | Clément M. Gosselin. Determination of the workspace of 6-DOF parallel manipulators. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 112(3):331-336, 1990. |
[9] | Clément M. Gosselin and Jorge Angeles. Optimization of planar and spherical function generators as minimum-defect linkages. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 24(4):293-307, 1989. |
[8] | Clément M. Gosselin and Jorge Angeles. The optimum kinematic design of a spherical three-degree-of-freedom parallel manipulator. ASME Journal of Mechanisms, Transmissions, and Automation in Design, 111(2):202-207, 1989. |
[7] | Clément M. Gosselin and Jorge Angeles. A new performance index for the kinematic optimization of robotic manipulators. In A. Midha, editor, ASME Trends and Developments in Mechanisms, Machines, and Robotics, volume 15-3, pages 441-447, Orlando, USA, September 1988. |
[6] | Clément M. Gosselin and Jorge Angeles. Mobility analysis of planar and spherical linkages. ASME Computers in Mechanical Engineering (CIME), 7(1):56-60, 1988. |
[5] | Jorge Angeles and Clément M. Gosselin. Détermination du degré de liberté des chaînes cinématiques. Transactions de la Société Canadienne de Génie Mécanique, 12(4):219-226, 1988. |
[4] | Clément M. Gosselin and Jorge Angeles. The optimum kinematic design of a planar three-degree-of-freedom parallel manipulator. ASME Journal of Mechanisms, Transmissions, and Automation in Design, 110(1):35-41, 1988. |
[3] | Jorge Angeles, K. Anderson, and Clément M. Gosselin. An orthogonal-decomposition algorithm for constrained least-square optimization. In ASME Design Automation Conference, pages 215-220, Boston, September 1987. |
[2] | Clément M. Gosselin and Jorge Angeles. Représentation graphique de la région de mobilité des mécanismes plans et sphériques à barres articulées. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 22(6):557-562, 1987. |
[1] | T. Legouis, Clément M. Gosselin, P. A. Bourassa, and A. Laneville. Étude paramétrique de la stabilité dynamique du système véhicule/pilote. Ingénieurs de l'automobile, pages 78-83, September 1985. |